Master Bong – TRUTH about Marijuana medical marijuana | medicinal marijuana | marijuana news | legalization marijuana | legalize weed | legal bud | pot legalization | marijuana patients | marijuana facts | smoking marijuana | smoke weed | We all should know these facts by now and if you don’t then this video was meant for you! Please stay informed on the TRUTH and always research information for yourself, if you are informed on the facts you can make your own decisions. Allow yourself the freedom of thought for this is something that we all possess but little use. People talk about marijuana and how it endangers our public health, safety and welfare when there are far worse substances endangering a lot more people that are completely LEGAL and yet we are still prosecuted for a plant that has never caused anybody to die. I just had to put this in video form and put a picture to the words and facts.
The poisons in a marijuana cigarette are 10x more toxic than that in a commercial cigarette
@TwilfsMind It’s a drug that once combined with a growing mind will mess with your system. I don’t give a fuck about any over 21 smoking grass.
Weed isnt illegal because its dangerous, its because pharmaceutical as well as tobacco and alcohol companies know theyre fucked if it is legalized
Probably didnt get all the stuff out in the lightbulb, drink lots of water and get tons of rest, if you still feel bad consult a doctor
it was my 4th time smoking pot and i made a vaporizer from a lightbulb and filled it up then took all the smoke from it, i did this more than a day ago and i still feel kinda high like dizzy, confusion, and lack of concentration, i know my weed wasnt laced with anything, can you please help me and tell me if there is anyway of making it go away and if it will go away? i did it friday around lunch and went to bed still feeling kinda high hoping it would go away but it didnt?
Thank you for the getting the info out.
NOOOOO! master bong died 4 times… oh wait he died 3 times he was just stoned on the last one
@TheMrYoungMoney1995 did you read my reply to alecthed00d? it’s right below this one.
@blizzardballz you are fuckin dum my mom/dad smoked weed in the 50’s
@alecthed00d yeah it was a joke. I can recall an anti-marijuana commercial from the late 80s it said something like “if you think pot is cool the somebody’s been pulling your strings” oh yeah the history cannabis has been well documented. one of the earliest materials used in paper making was hemp.
Actually cannabis has been recorded for its uses since 3000B.C. Who knows how long its been around. I kinda think you were joking but if you weren’t there’s a fact. =P
@blizzardballz weeds been around since abraham lincoln and shit
Why can’t people get that it isnt a drug, but a PLANT
If you sell drugs, you’re a drug dealer
If you sell a plant, you’re a florist
weed was invented in 1991 by a group of scientist in Montana. they did it for the 1989 world series but you know how weed is
Why is it that every single video/informational pamphlet that shows someone OD’ing on prescription pills is laying on the floor in their bathroom with a bunch of spilled pills? Who the fuck stays in their bathroom for the duration of their high? Go watch a movie or something lol.
You have a badass taste in music. this video was kinda corny, but it’s the thought that counts i guess.
this is a very convincing announcement
OOOOOH SHIT MASTERBONG. i own that same bong. fuck yeah!
peace and pot man
awesome video, but is it going to make it big like be an advertisement here on youtube? or get on tv?
MB is an alcoholic? is that the truth? and he smokes wayy to many cigarettes? And abuses perscription drugs?
you need to clean yourself up MB
EPIC vid masterbong. I take a hit off the bong for you man!
FROM: Your stoner buddy nick here.
please make the intro shorter, great vids though
very nice video
really nice video!
awesome. good job