Master Bong – TRUTH about Marijuana

Master Bong – TRUTH about Marijuana medical marijuana | medicinal marijuana | marijuana news | legalization marijuana | legalize weed | legal bud | pot legalization | marijuana patients | marijuana facts | smoking marijuana | smoke weed | We all should know these facts by now and if you don’t then this video was meant for you! Please stay informed on the TRUTH and always research information for yourself, if you are informed on the facts you can make your own decisions. Allow yourself the freedom of thought for this is something that we all possess but little use. People talk about marijuana and how it endangers our public health, safety and welfare when there are far worse substances endangering a lot more people that are completely LEGAL and yet we are still prosecuted for a plant that has never caused anybody to die. I just had to put this in video form and put a picture to the words and facts.

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