Master Bong – Denise Peron Medical Marijuana ASA Party in San Francisco medical marijuana | medicinal marijuana | marijuana news | legalization marijuana | legalize weed | legalization of marijuana | legal bud | pot legalization | marijuana patients | weed bong | marijuana bong | This was a Great time my friends, we were in the most amazing intricate house I have ever been in my entire life. The house was a journey its self and then it was filled with all sorts of interesting people to converse with. We had a blast and I know you will have a blast watching this ASA Party vid.
Respond to this video… HAHA!! I made a “roach bender” like 15 years ago!! : )
@Nenendude Thata makes two of us dude!!! LOL
I agree wth Nenendude
That whole neighborhood probably constantly reaks of bud
@Nenendude come join us there is plenty of room for everyone to come partake w us =D
I need to move to CA!
Aesop Rock! Nice! (x
@WisdomOrganics dude you should of made it anyone was invited there is tons of party’s in the bay
ummm….you forgot to invite me!
man i love it how baked the dude is with the roch bender
Very nice! 🙂 i like the bit of innovation that’s included in the vid. 😀 Funky lil device to hold da joint there mate ^^
the startin song is dope what is it?
I bet they all passed out by sundown. lols
Looks like a fun party tho