marijuana plants?

hey i have 5 marijuana plants on my balcony and i was just wonderin if i should water them at the moment… the soil is a little wet from yesterdays watering but not much… the point is that the weather was cloudy today and 2moro will be as well…. should i water them 2nite?? also, 2 are clones and i was wonderin if i shud water every day for the clones and the other 3… some advice wud be helpful thanx!
also the clones have light green/yellow leaves and they keep developing in that colour. i planted them into good soil bout 2 days ago as they are really young and they have quite an ok root system.. i also gave some ferts so i dont know why these leaves are like that.. the soil pH is fine by the way is this maybe cuz they r so young and need time to develop or is it a problem to look at? thnx….advice wud be greatly appreciated for both topics
you might be over watering them. be careful or they will die. Water 3 times a week probably would be best.
if the soil is moist i would say no,just watch them like you would other plants that are leafy,maybe every other day,depends on the weather.if the leafs areyellow you have to much water,just watch them.
If the soil is moist, don’t water.
As for the clones, are they covered? Two days is not enough time to develop a good root system. They should be covered and have a high humidity environment because they can’t absorb enough moisture with their poorly developed root system to overcome what they lose in transpiration.
Keep in mind that it’s normal for the clones to lose their first leaves after the second set develop.
sounds like they may be getting too much water. If the soil is still wet wait till it dries some before the next watering.
Oh, and watch out for cats! They love to eat the tender young plants. The one time I tried to grow my own my cat ate it like it was catnip! But, that was a very long time ago….. Good luck.
For the non clone plants the best way to tell when to water them is to check the surface of the soil. I dont water until the soil is dry about an inch down. This prevents root rot and also allows fresh oxygen to get to the root system. I have them in 3 gallon pots so this estimate works great for me
The clones on the other hand are a little different. For cannabis plants its best to root them with some sort of hormone gel or powder, then mist the leaves until they are really wet. Then cover the plants in some sort of clear plastic so that the relative humidity remains somewhere close to 100% after about a week you can remove the plastic and check the root system (Not as easy as rock wool but you can look in soil as well.) The root system needs to be fully developed before you can rely on them to supply the plant with water. Mist he leaves regularly and keep them wet so that the plant receives the right amount of water.
how much bud do you get from one normal sized plant?