marijuana plants?

marijuana plants?

hey i have 5 marijuana plants on my balcony and i was just wonderin if i should water them at the moment… the soil is a little wet from yesterdays watering but not much… the point is that the weather was cloudy today and 2moro will be as well…. should i water them 2nite?? also, 2 are clones and i was wonderin if i shud water every day for the clones and the other 3… some advice wud be helpful thanx!

also the clones have light green/yellow leaves and they keep developing in that colour. i planted them into good soil bout 2 days ago as they are really young and they have quite an ok root system.. i also gave some ferts so i dont know why these leaves are like that.. the soil pH is fine by the way 🙂 is this maybe cuz they r so young and need time to develop or is it a problem to look at? thnx….advice wud be greatly appreciated for both topics 🙂

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