Marijuana Need to be Made Legal

Marijuana is a drug that is used for recreational purposes in the rows of tobacco and alcohol. But, you have the fact that people were certainly remember treated with this substance for thousands of years to a number of diseases, including gastrointestinal disturbances, insomnia and headaches. It had been used as a harmless and effective drug therapy and the doctors in the old days in which to prescribe marijuana as a cure for many diseases. It is unfortunate that this time ordering is examined as illegal by many governments. Despite the various benefits of marijuana, are people who use keeps it as it as an illegal substance. Given the medical possibilities of this substance, it should be made legal buy and hold them in a holding such as tobacco and alcohol. The law machinery for the production of marijuana has tried to portray as a dangerous cancer-causing drug. However, the harmful chemicals in marijuana smoke contained effectively rolled out of the paper, it is to come with. The possession of marijuana and equipment for the use, including the Tubes and pipes were banned. So the men began by smoking marijuana by using paper instead of stuck pipe to other methods, you take away the carcinogens present in them. And some users decided it in the form of beverages such as tea, which is completely non-toxic to consume. Yes, it can be difficult to find reasons for marijuana to remain in the list of illegal drugs. Marijuana has been proven that less addicted to nicotine when compared, and their use is less harmful to the body than alcohol. Despite the known risks to health from alcohol and tobacco causes both the stuff is marked legal while marijuana is a narcotic. Over time, slowly made his return marijuana to its rightful status as a legitimate herbal product useful in the treatment of various diseases. The daily marijuana therapy under close supervision will definitely help people suffering from nausea and vomiting. Many studies and research to support the statement that more than 80 percent of patients who were treated using marijuana has a total or at least partial relief from nausea and vomiting. Enjoys a very high success rate, is what the doctors prescribed marijuana be made legal to help in the way to their desperate patients. Now you can listen to, respected people in the medical community express their opinion in favor of the use of marijuana in medicine. In fact, the editors of a prestigious British medical journal, one step ahead have gone to state that the smoking of cannabis harm in any way one’s health. In view of the merits, it would be useful to cannabis as less threatening, when a portrait of alcohol and tobacco. It is time to remove marijuana from the list of illegal drugs, as it has proven to be safe for use in various applications, at least in the interest of the suffering people.