marijuana machine -weed machine

The city that popularized the fast food drive-thru has a new innovation: 24-hour medical marijuana vending machines. Patients suffering from chronic pain, loss of appetite and other ailments that marijuana is said to alleviate can get their pot with a dose of convenience at the Herbal Nutrition Center, where a large machine will dole out the drug around the clock. “Convenient access, lower prices, safety, anonymity,” inventor and owner Vincent Mehdizadeh said, extolling the benefits of the machine. But federal drug agents say the invention may need unplugging. “Somebody owns (it), it’s on a property and somebody fills it,” said DEA Special Agent Jose Martinez. “Once we find out where it’s at, we’ll look into it and see if they’re violating laws.” At least three dispensaries in the city, including two belonging to Mehdizadeh, have installed vending machines to distribute the drug to people who carry cards authorizing marijuana use. Mehdizadeh said he spent seven months to develop and patent the black, armored box, which he calls the “PVM,” or prescription vending machine. A sliding fence protects the tinted windows of his dispensary, barely distinguishing it from a busy thoroughfare of strip malls, automobile dealers and furniture shops. A box resembling a large refrigerator stands inside the nearly empty shop, near a few shelves stocked with vitamins and herbs. A guard in a black T-shirt emblazoned with the word “Security” on the front stands at the door. A poster of Bob …
YES ON PROP 19- it’s a no-brainer. dispensaries don’t need to make that much money.
How do they keep people from stealing the machine?
2pac poster made me laugh my ass off i need to get sum of that wild cherry bud
@gorillajoe12 haha dont soo many people
im glad i live in la : )
Google “chronic brand” for funny t-shirts and urban streetwear.
i think i’m moving to california now
Damn! a Vending machine for weed? Dankest Idea Ever
I can’t wait for these to come to Canada
i want that machine
”yes cool” , the guys a legend”.
gotta love the 2pac poster
@bleezy650 I envy you
how much for a pound of some of the best shit in cali?
lol this shit made me laugh so hard because when i was like 15, my buddy and i always used to blaze and be like “duuude, what if we had a weed machine, and it just like… dispensed weed.. hahahah” .. and it’s actually happening now.
okay grandpa… you’re cool…lil dicc faggot..lmfao..aka Blaze
@analher okay jermaine….you are cool. big internet tough guy…lol
There u go typin fagish lit again, you look stupid..You type like a str8 up bitch…I know ur parents wish u were neva born..U a str8 up joke wit no heart..Like I said anytyme u wanna step 2 me, then again u got 2 much bitch in ur blood..I’ll let u squab wit my cuzin keshia, she got moe heart than ur bitch ass….aka Blaze
@analher everyone on here knows you are on welfare and lack education or a job. thats what everyone knows. everyone on here knows you are a bitch who is greatly obsessed with homosexuality. you should change your name from blaze to broke ass welfare case who will never have a job or a house or a car. your parents are probably greatly ashamed of you. just stop trying to insult me, you look stupid.
Whateva erbody on here know you got faggot in ur blood stream, as well as HIV…I tried 2 worn u dat 2 diccs don’t sticc grandpa…aka Blaze
@analher im married however you seem to be hiding some deep rooted homosexual feelings and only feel better when you reflect those feelings onto others. im not gay im sorry…and me and you? its never going to happen so stop messaging me with your address and hitting on me.
Man I’ll be glad when u make up wit cho lova, cuz u got 2 much tyme on ur hands…It’s not our fault u have HIV, u did it 2 urself grandpa…aka Blaze
@analher lol are you serious? do you know anyone reading you thinks you are a child and a complete idiot. you are embarrassing yourself and need to just stop. not only were you racist at first but you embody every negative stereotype the african american community has to deal with.
learn how to type, learn how to discuss things like an adult, and stop calling trying to act school yard tough on the internet.
fuck. how do retards like you even afford the internet?
So now y’all know dis tricc a faggot, watch & see his faggot ass type sumthin else..skitzolLSD tha wanna man chaser..No homo I like women..aka Blaze