Marijuana Legalization Is So Close – Support HR2306

(Don’t forget to check the patents pending at the bottom of this…..and go to our webblog for more studies on “the forbidden cure”. Zip file available on request. HR 2306: Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011 Text: Contact your representative OFTEN! The more cosponsors there are, the better chance for a hearing. Get your representative to cosponsor this bill!!: Sign the “Let the End Marijuana Prohibition Act Get a Hearing” ~ Petition by NORML Go to LEAP ~ Support Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition and fill in the form to send a letter to all of your representatives and senators. Check out Fred Upton campaign contributions: Also look at Lamar Smith campaign contributions: On facebook? Oh, and anyone from the DEA…answer this question for us. What are these? No medicinal value huh? Sorry….the jig is up, and you’re going to lose.
My names got killer in it but ill be a docter for a day an bring that bill back to life
Sadly, so many now feel that our govenment isn’t ours anymore. A lot of people, at a time when needed most, have decided to stop voting. Heck with the Gore thing and what AZ did on the dispensaries (which i support the effect it’s having) I really hope that with enough voices we will get mass media to give Ron Paul the respect he deserves and stop sweeping his victories under the rug like they didn’t happen. With him in office we stand a much better chance of changing it’s status of sch 1
Oh come on. Have you SEEN what some of the people are doing and saying? And I’m not talking about the people against marijuana legalization. I’m talking about the people FOR legalization. Thinking that their rights are given to them through the fed. So many are still “hoping” that Obama will change. That right there tells you just why the committees are having such success with blocking the hearing. I personally give up on the “puff puff hope” type. They’ll get what they deserve -NOTHING!!