Marijuana Grandmother Gets Statewide Support

Marijuana Grandmother Gets Statewide Support

A Mansfield grandmother indicted for growing marijuana for medicinal purposes has gained support from two state organizations. Susan L. Stevens, 62, was arraigned Tuesday in Richland County Common Pleas Court on charges of growing and possessing marijuana. The organizations Ohio Patient Network and North Ohio Normal is supporting Stevens in her case. Stevens was indicted by the Richland County Grand Jury this month after police officers raided her home and confiscated her plants. Stevens entered a not guilty plea to the third degree felonies and posted a $5000 bond. Stevens says she uses the marijuana to help relieve pain and pressure behind her eyes caused by glaucoma. Ohio Patient Network Advocate Cher Neufer says the organizations support the move now underway in Ohio to legalize marijuana for medical reasons. If convicted of the charges, Stevens faces up to five years in prison and a $10000 fine. The Ohio Patient Network and North Ohio Normal is working with State Senator Tom Roberts of Dayton on the Ohio Medical Compassion Act which would create a regulated card-carrying system for medicinal use of marijuana.

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