Marijuana is very dangerous and a real threat……to the government and company industries. The truth. If you agree on legalizing marijuana, then please click on these links and sign petitions.
OMFG 4.0 HEMP = 1.25 TREES
FUCK THE GOVERNMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fuck this, there is no such thing as a goddamn free country
God be with us all because the Government sure as hell isnt
Leagalize Now!
All our ideas about chronic have to come in harmony together so I propose this we have a weed convention & together we can conquer that pesky govt law by mass producing generic products fill with different chronic products of course it’s all ” for medicinal use purposes only ;0)
Email me for more details my chronic brother
Like the beetles said “let’s come together”
Right now follow me
@SolarEXtract It won’t happen in our life time … right before the billon dollar cancer plastic, oil, and paper industry totally destroy this world we will change and with the change weed might be legalized. Until then we will have to smoke on the down low and keep the stoner tradition alive. Hopefully we can see what’s going on before it’s too late but trillions of dollars are still out there in the rain forest, ocean, and deserts. So there is no use for the legalization yet.
Brian in family guy broke it all down in 20 seconds =>
Hemp was poised to replace paper and the timber industry wouldn’t dare have that. So began the slander campaign that turned an herb more harmless than alcohol into the sin of the century
@SolarEXtract are u fucking retarded or are u just imbred, i dont even own halo nor do i have an xbox 360, so why dont u do all of us a favor and GO CRAWL BACK INTO UR MOMS LITTLE DIRTY RED IMBREED SNATCH AND DONT U DARE COME BACK OUT U SON OF A BITCH
@SolarEXtract No u fucker, post is just use as an excuse for lonely people to feel happy, so if u have to use pot to feel happy then i fucking pity u u son of a bitch
put 2 foos dat hate each other in da same room alone and deyll fight each other! but put 2 foos dat hate each other in da same room with a blunt and deyll smoke it and get koo..haha weed brings people together LEGILIZE IT!!!!
The only thing that made the smart voters (aka pro-marijuana people) lose the vote on prop 19 in CA: pure ignorance.
OMFG 4.0 HEMP = 1.25 TREES
FUCK THE GOVERNMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fuck this, there is no such thing as a goddamn free country
God be with us all because the Government sure as hell isnt
Leagalize Now!
All our ideas about chronic have to come in harmony together so I propose this we have a weed convention & together we can conquer that pesky govt law by mass producing generic products fill with different chronic products of course it’s all ” for medicinal use purposes only ;0)
Email me for more details my chronic brother
Like the beetles said “let’s come together”
Right now follow me
@julioabruno2254 haha, indeed
@SolarEXtract It won’t happen in our life time … right before the billon dollar cancer plastic, oil, and paper industry totally destroy this world we will change and with the change weed might be legalized. Until then we will have to smoke on the down low and keep the stoner tradition alive. Hopefully we can see what’s going on before it’s too late but trillions of dollars are still out there in the rain forest, ocean, and deserts. So there is no use for the legalization yet.
Halo needs a hit of some trees
Brian in family guy broke it all down in 20 seconds =>
Hemp was poised to replace paper and the timber industry wouldn’t dare have that. So began the slander campaign that turned an herb more harmless than alcohol into the sin of the century
awww anti drug companies are gunna go in the hole if its legal. id rather have bud leagle than fucking budweiser thats just me though.
@SolarEXtract are u fucking retarded or are u just imbred, i dont even own halo nor do i have an xbox 360, so why dont u do all of us a favor and GO CRAWL BACK INTO UR MOMS LITTLE DIRTY RED IMBREED SNATCH AND DONT U DARE COME BACK OUT U SON OF A BITCH
@halo15000 Go back to Halo.
@SolarEXtract No u fucker, post is just use as an excuse for lonely people to feel happy, so if u have to use pot to feel happy then i fucking pity u u son of a bitch
So basically they choice to cut down trees when they could easily use hemp.. Sounds to me like their depleting our resources on purpose, Wise up!
put 2 foos dat hate each other in da same room alone and deyll fight each other! but put 2 foos dat hate each other in da same room with a blunt and deyll smoke it and get koo..haha weed brings people together LEGILIZE IT!!!!
@valoss as a minor i can say its quite alot easier to get pot then it is to get alcohol
which is certainly interesting an interesting fact
well who is the ass hole talkin shit
Legalization and regulation would also make it more difficult for minors to get marijuana.
just imagine, true believers – a marijuana world
Yup its all true… Shame most people don’t know this information.
let the world get high
Legalize it. Tax it. Regulate it.
Let’s do this already.