Marijuana Botany: Propagation and Breeding of Distintive Cannabis

- ISBN13: 9780914171782
- Condition: NEW
- Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.
Product Description Cannabis is cultivated for 10,000 years. In recent marijuana more genetic experimentation and cross than in the previous 10,000 years was gone through. This remarkable development has been carried out by hybrid thousand individuals new to any type of agriculture. Marijuana Botany provides accurate information on all aspects of cultivation. It explains how the quality of climate and environment is concerned, identification and Desira. . . More>>
Marijuana Botany: Propagation and Breeding of Distintive Cannabis
Your spelling delayed. You are an absolute idiot. Rating: 5 / 5
This is a good book on the marijuana plant itself but is a bit outdated. However, if you want more to learn about breeding and plant physiognomy, then, is a good choice. Rating: 4 / 5
Not a practical handbook for growers. More of a textbook than a how. There are some useful information if you are willing to sift through the papers on botany are. It would have been far better to have all the important things condense on the growing, (nothing concrete about fertilizers, for example, simplify) and the layout of a step by step instructions with footnotes to all the technical stuff. Rating: 3 / 5
Okay, you want to learn about cannabis cultivation. Read something else. You may want to learn how to grow pot? Read something else. Clarke brings us a book that has the following problems: It assumes that you understand basic genetic. It assumes that you know is growing. It assumes that you understand how to do baskets, and places to understand what words mean as heterozygous and homozygous. He tries to explain them as best he can, but you have to understand another book, what he really means to receive. If you have done this and learned some basic genetics and you will read this book and find that most do not get everywhere you as a breeder or a breeder. The first time I read this book, I came away thinking that I learned something new. Then I tried talking to some breeders and got the old one. . . “You have read, Clarke, is not it?”. . . . Breeders know to be shallow, as this book and from contact with the cannabis-growing community. I give you my case for this comment. Here are a few questions about this book I had after reading. Why he does not go on site and made a few comments from actual or cannabis growers a case study from a known breeder cannabis? (Those who are more than willing to talk about their work, when you click on the internet research). Why he does not really tell the story of a famous parent? Why is this book seems very vague? I think the only reason he has not done, this is probably because he never wanted to talk to a real breeders about their work is heard. He has over people like Warmke, some of the research in the 2nd World War II have spoken, but nothing about the breeders of today. The alarm bells for him a few you should be this book. When I buy books that I would like to read about something substantial behind the theory. It never shows up. If you are on cannabis cultivation then learn to read more about Gregor Mendel and follow this up by reading books on “How true race trains dogs and cats.” Every book on plant genetics and breeding to give you a much better insight into the botany cannabis than this book. Breeders and breeders recommend this book for a quick scan and forget. Cannabis growers use techniques that do the most common plant breeders. This book is not good and not worth the hype. It even has a quote from some guy named Richard Evans Schultes, Director, Harvard Botanical Museum who says – “Robert Clarke’s magnificent efforts will be widely appreciated. His Marijuana Botany will be constantly consulted by a number of researchers in the years to come . ‘Well, unfortunately, that prediction was of short duration. Cannabis is not a good breeder is the book for anyone seriously recommend cannabis botany. It is from the link with the market, contact with animal breeding techniques and the contact with the growing community. This book is in a world of its own. Rating: 1 / 5
This is a great book for marijuana growers, as it goes through everything so far to go Gene. Het / homozygous statement. As I said in the reviews, this is not a GROW Book, this book is really for people interested in the genetics of breeding their own tribe. Also, I am firmly convinced that someone must tell their own experiences something is better than the others. That being said, I have not read other books on this subject, but as far as I know the only other book is, by DJ Short and I still had a chance to read it yet (but I know it myself) and I would probably say Marijuana Botany that has more information, but can not be better as a DJ Short’s. Rating: 5 / 5