Marijuana advocates want Palin to speak at event

Marijuana advocates want former Alaska governor to speak at event. Steve Fox, MPP
Marijuana advocates want former Alaska governor to speak at event. Steve Fox, MPP
Medical Marijuana is advancing in Illinois. Check out the latest story from NY Times: SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The... Read More »
Kansas appeals court addresses medical marijuana issue for travelers March 15. By TONY RIZZO. The Kansas City Star.... Read More »
Foxborough Needs to Establish Medical Marijuana District Following AG's Ruling “Unless somebody can articulate something specific I think... Read More »
@shwann125 It’s true, they teach third graders the dare song now. I learned it in 6th.
@Ruzlier awwh touche my friend.. i was in 8th grade when i went through dare and the internet wasnt a pick part of my life.. i see what you did there..
@shwann125 Shawn, this is 4 months late but you are wrong. D.A.R.E is not taught to eighth graders because they have acess to the internet. So they have access to truth. Thats why they tried teaching it to fifth graders, but guess what! They are getting access to internet too now uh days (easily, unmonitored because im sure a 5th graders parents aren’t letting know the truth because they are told it is morally wrong)
Thats why they wen’t to third graders.
Oh my gosh this lady is really a moron!! She did absolutely NO research before this interview. Wow…what a “journalist”.
thank you FOX NEWS for giving us such good information…….that woman is so stupid it accualy physicly hurts me
yes federalism, i love it.
Ignorant woman
this woman is rude and moronic.
Hell the govrnt is giving marijuana to soldiers in afgan now you stupid bitch.
You can just argue back by saying they already legalized pot on the southside of her big ass head
wow what a bitch
what a dumb bitch, sneaking in little bullshit’s like throat and lung cancer then quickly changing the subject so he couldn’t tell the TRUTH
@chuckweismiller hahahahaha
Does FOX News have a fact checker? Or are all of them too busy worshipping the Dark Lord and drinking Mai Tais made with the blood of hippies? That’s FOX News for ya, ‘Unfair and Biased’.
@nurd180 there is a time and place for those words.. and this is one of em
“just trying to understand”…. i don,t think that bimbo will ever understand. Marijuana has been used for thousands of years, this broad thinks it was invented in the 30’s
@shwann125 dont call women bitches
@1gnoramus yeah that could very well be the case, but she seems clueless to his responses. She is so naive through the whole video. I am a 24 year old graphic designer that sits in front of his computer all day and makes art.. How can i have more common knowledge then somebody working for fox news?
wow this bitch is stupid as hell..causes cancer wtf bitch go eat a dick
@panduhhxbear word homie we aitn gonna get fried livers
@shwann125 nah her job is to steer public opinion in the direction her editors approve of. she doesnt do too bad at that, however this guy steve fox does well to avoid her snake pits.
Green is winning ^^
Can you BELIEVE her lame ass point at the end, asking him if he drank? If that is this crummy, remedial english failing reporter’s idea of a “gotcha” question, the network needs to send her ass back to college. Not to mention, the bitch obviously didnt even read the book of the person she’s interviewing. Sad.
@o0BUD720o mmmkay Mr Garison,,, Marijuana is bad… MmmKay…
That lady is such a fucking bitch she only talks like that because her friends and family and employers are watching her wow fuck that shit fox is bullshit there all assholes