Marc Emery Farewell Tour Orangeville, ON July 18, 2009

Emery speaks in Orangeville shortly before being extradited to the US for the sale of Marijuana Seeds.
Emery speaks in Orangeville shortly before being extradited to the US for the sale of Marijuana Seeds. Check out this link now if you want to learn more about growing weed or buy the... Read More »
Day 21. Using 1 WHITE florescent light and 1 YELLOW florescent light. Each light is 100watts that give... Read More »
Grow Maxx’s grow guru Dave shows you how to start seeds totally hydroponic and with little or no... Read More »
lol i just saw hardman
is there not a way.. like.. maybe selling seeds is not illegal? or growing it for personal use ..? .. is not illegal? i’d like to have my own little shop and sell some of that stuff if i could..
i remember that like it was yesterday… “plant the seeds of freedom!”
ANyone have pictures from this? We bought a fucking disposable camera and the developers said there were no photos on it. I’m fucking pissed.
“i wanna pick-up after the rapist,lol!!!
Ha hahahah! i was fuckin right there man!
that guy in the white shirt stood up and says some shit like
“im no longer a basket case,,white power!”
Mark hit the nail on the head man,what if one of us up and comming writter is locked up and their is no Andi Chris world tour?
FUCK BILL C-15!!!!!!!!!
the last statement is profound if you like rok’ n roll & cannabis!!!!!
fuck sorry i missed this!! what a pile of shit it is i hope drunk drivers kill all the people that want marc jailed! i know alot of wreckless careless drunk assholes!! i know nothing of that of my marijuana smoking people around me!! this world is fucked!!! marijuana should be on the bottom of the list ! basically you can kill another human being but cant smoke weed thats what im getting wtf sick of it ftw!!!!!!!