Marc Emery and BC3 Extradtion Hearing Update (1/2)
This site has information about the trial Carole MacNeil mentioned at the beginning of the segment: See http for more information about the BC3 Extradition. Originally broadcast January 20, 2008, with an update regarding the status of the BC3’s extradition proceedings. CBC News: Sunday Prince of Pot Vancouver’s Marc Emery is the self-proclaimed worldwide leader of marijuana culture. Will Canada hand him over to the US on drug trafficking charges, even though Canadian authorities practically ignored his activities and taxed his profits from selling marijuana seeds? Contact: Email: [email protected] Telephone: 1-866-306-4636 Fax:(416) 205-8971 Postal: PO Box 500 Station A Toronto, ON M5W 1E6
what big brother wants is what big brother gets
If the Canadians don’t get a little backbone, the US will begin extraditing Canadians nationals to it’s private prisons that are hungry for more inmates.
You’re my champion of liberty Marc!
The Canadian government took Marc’s income tax monies knowing full well they were from cannabis seed sales.
Marc gave politions money during the times that the business was doing well.
Why would Marc not turn around and verbally attack these people?
They took your money and ran. Why protect them from the truth?
They are nothing more than drug dealers who liked the money when it was there and left you high and dry when the world police(DEA) came knocking.
I say tell the truth about them.
The only pot found in most american cities is from Mexico… the DEA is full of Sh*t.