Looking to buy a Herbal Vaporizer – Volcano, Vapezilla..?

Looking to buy a Herbal Vaporizer. I think I am going to go all out and get a really good one. Maybe a Volcano, Super Vapezilla, HerbalAire (which is only like $299)… I might even go a bit cheaper with something like the Silver Bullet, Hot Box, Voodoo, or something like that.
I need a site that can give me good advice, and offer a good selection of herb vaporizers. Any advice?
Need advice and somewhere I can buy them
I originally bought a Hot Box Vaporizer from Herbal Vapor, and it was really good but wasnt AMAZING, and they even warned me of that.. So I did what they recommended, and I recently bought a Volcano, also from Herbal Vapor, and it is absolutely the best purchase I have ever made. The guys at this site are awesome, and give great advice. Check it out.
the volcano is pretty much the rolls royce of vaporizers so i would definetly go with that one.
go for the Volcano going for something significantly cheaper will leave you in disappointment. I would suggest the site listed above or http://www.grasscity.com