Life on a Northern California Pot Farm – Harmon Leon

Complete video at: Harmon Leon reflects on his experience working on a Californian marijuana farm. Comparing “pot nerds” to wine snobs, Leon recalls some funny conversations on the nuances of pot strains and barbecue chicken. —– Harmon Leon talks about The American Dream: Walking in the Shoes of Carnies, Arms Dealers, Immigrant Dreamers, Pot Farmers, and Christian Believers. Leon draws upon his experiences of adopting personas and disguises to infiltrate the various institutions of everyday life, living among a diverse range of subcultures and learning first hand how they work. – Book Passage Harmon Leon authors The American Dream: Walking in the Shoes of Carnies, Arms Dealers, Immigrant Dreamers, Pot Farmers, and Christian Believers. Leon draws upon his experiences of adopting personas and disguises to infiltrate the various institutions of everyday life, living among a diverse range of subcultures and learning first hand how they work.
this guy sucks monkey balls!
this guy fucking blows! That was the stupidest thing i have ever heard
What the fuck is this shit. This sounds nothing like real pot heads.
@MrGrowproductions Considering about 30-40% of people who are employed in the united states make a significant amount less than that, I would call it good?
This guy is a fucking retard, hes never even talked to a stoner before in his life, * we had a discussion about the clicking sound lighters make * if thats true that wasnt no pot farm, thats a fucking crack house, when I trim bud with my friends we talk and laugh the whole time, this sounds like nothing ive ever seen in my 10 years of smoking, and not to mention he says, * purple indigo, its a body high not a head high * if he ever lived on a part farm, he would say its indica, not sativa
@music4all80 yeah what the fuck this is a guy who had only seen a Q at most and someone decided to take him to a farm to trim and he shit his pants and decided to grow dreds and become just like the farm folk but failed miserably and only succeeded in being a total douche bag
Where else can you make 20 an hour? There is not a lot of jobs out there like that.
what a douche
This putz is ridiculous. Get a haircut.
i agree with the other individuals here that this man is a horrible man. read the description…he makes ‘personas’ to ‘infiltrate’ various lifestyles…so in other words, under cover to expose a point of view (that probably the government made him do for $ to brainwash further lots of people) to learn how they work…its not that hard to understand why people live certain ways and think certain ways, but to be this kind of ‘undercover book writer’ (who’s very shitty i might add) is just bs.
these gay should buy a comb
he’s not a fag at all is he? LOL
ok well it seems to me wat happened was this guy went undercover on a pot farm with the plan to get a story of why its bad or sumthing but he couldnt get it so he threw in sum things like, shes like a stripper the way she gets her money because she didnt go to college, and sayin is this how the manson family got started both had no reason to be part of the story. go to any job anywhere and the people are goin to be talkin like that, just maybe different subjects because its a job and there bored
Look at this sniveling little narcissistic asshole. “look at me, I hate marijuana. I hate it blindly because I was told to once as a kid by my parents who don’t even know what weed smells like, and my hypocritical teachers who used to smoke it all the time in college.”
If it wasn’t for short-sighted morons weed would be legal already.
what a homo
I don’t get it…
It can’t be stand up, it isn’t funny
It can’t be a story because it’s really embellished
There is no clear motive here
What do you want me to do…
There is a punk bitch fucker like that next to u or at the bus stop next to u or at work nextto u wlking his dog across frm u all the fucking time ! Fucking infiltrators! His dreads are probally fake! I wish I saw him so I can make him eat that gay ass poem he wrote mimicking free peoele like us ! His intention is to make u into a slave for the rich!
what a loser.. i bet his mom picked him up after he got done reading a few pages of sumthing he was paid to dress up and read.
so wat if people are alil different , wen u learn to respect the difference u become a better person, sorry we all cant be perfect like you,,, he should do a skit on how drunks pee on themselves & say the same sh3t over & over again,,wat a turd
umm yeah…why else would they farm it?
ass hole
@music4all80 he dresses the part of a stoner himself, he’s probably paid to put that image off then read that material, the achohol industry has him on the pay role on one way or another im sure!
Is that Lisa Simpson with dreads?
Cannabis cures cancer.
I don’t think in all that rambling did that guy make one point. Thanks for wasting four minutes of my life I got some pot to trim see ya jerk off