Lies about marijuana and Prop 19

This video, brought to you by the same assholes who promoted Prop 8 to stop gay marriage, is what they are going to use to try to get all their thoughtless believers to vote no on Prop 19. California needs to legalize it for everyone! The group who made this is some fucken stupid “families and children first” organization who uses lies and ignorance to further their own selfish hateful agenda.
@memoria360 hahaha FUCK YEAH! >:D
If you smoke weed, a group of people will murder your children.
is dis the kind of california you want? YEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHH
Singer smoke it
And players of instruments too
Legalize it, yeah, yeah
That’s the best thing you can do
Doctors smoke it
Nurses smoke it
Judges smoke it
Even the lawyers too
they prefer thousands of little Rebecca Black’s and Justin Biebers.
the reason 60 percent is because of the option of the court making teens go
@Stjimmyrulesx sadly yes
@AroundTheCopyright go vaporizers!!!!
@KripDrip thats why we need to inform parents that its easier for kids to get weed than it is alcohol. and if the majority supports legalization then politicians will follow to get those votes
My uncle smoked weed for about 18 years, he is now nearly incapable to work, think or being independent. Weed IS bad, But you should NO on 19, but not give up the fight for the legalization, they should legalize Marijuana soon, but not 19 because it is planned terribly.
I am in favor of it, but I don’t see it happening in our lifetimes. Drugs have become a political football. Any candidate or incumbent who even suggests lowering penalties for drugs will immediately be jumped on by his opposition as ‘soft on drugs’. So candidates all try to out-do each other on being tough on drugs. Voting to get it legalized would be political suicide! Parents dont want their kids smokin pot!
It can cause throat cancer. just like cigarrettes. Smoking anything can give you throat cancer just the risk isn’t very big.
We can get fuel, food, plastics, oils, insulation, textiles, paper, and thousands of other superior products. It can end our dependency on foreign oil that fund extremist regimens and terrorism. It can solve our deforestation problem as virtually no tree would have to be cut down for its products. Why are we humans so dumb? When are we going to get out of our way? This incredible plant had been used for thousands of years.Making hemp illegal is a crime against humanity.
its the paper in joints/blunts that causes cancer. the actual plant is cancer fighting. go pipes and bongs!
“50%-70% more cancer causing than cigarettes”…….how the hell can they just blatantly make shit up like that? I mean, the entire ad is complete bullshit, but the cancer thing……
What would the US Constitution say?
ha, this ad is ridiculous, is there anyone that actually was convinced by this to vote no?
thats kind of a lie in itself
lol!! marihuana is more healthy than cigarret and expand out our Conscienceness, and can be use mediclinally
@socksuntied i live in California, normal doctors who are hired by health insurance companies aren’t going to recommend you marijuana, because they have liability, “green friendly” doctors will and thats because they are independent and carry no liability so they can prescribe you what ever they wish and make a buck out of it.
@BayAreaBallerz21 if you ask for it they can prescribe it in California… I’m going to believe a doctor for it was a doctor that informed on what marijuana actually does… not everything that has smoke contains cancer causing chemicals… lighting a fire in the fireplace is one example… marijuana is a natural plant cigarettes are processed and have chemicals added to them… if you take pure marijuana with nothing added to it the chances of getting cancer are still the same.
@socksuntied doctors who specialize in cancer don’t give their patients marijuana, or even suggest using marijuana, you’ll never find marijuana prescriptions at hospitals either, who are you going to believe a hippie or a doctor? its common sense dude, anything that contains smoke has cancer causing chemicals.
@BayAreaBallerz21 i know marijuana doesn’t cure cancer but they can still give it to cancer patients for a number of reasons… i know prop 19 is about recreational use… in this ad it says marijuana 50 – 70% more cancerous than cigarettes when it isn’t they give it to cancer patients!!! look it up