legalize marijuanna , prop 19

Well some people, they got stress AND SOME PEOPLE ARE in worse pain THAN THE REST So we all go to the doctor look for some help So he writes us a prescription for some pills O anything you want, o anything you need, o you can get a refill any time That you please Yeah they are making all this money while these pills are making us feel funny If America could just wake up and see herb is what we need God gave us that plant for a reason, so I CHOOSE TO STICK WITH that I refuse to take that man made crap, Now I’ve ON BOTH SIDES of the fence and I am come to see that California needs to pass prop 19 Its good for your body and your soul, and the good thing is your still in control You cant ever overdose, and your happier than most, you CAN BE More creative than you thought you could be, after all there would be no song if it wasn’t for weed You will never get in a fight, because don’t worry everything little thing is going to be alright Well all these bars around us there are so many to choose, we end up spending to much money on booze a few drinks at a bar, we think we are much cooler than we are Than we don’t know what were saying, We don’t know what were doing Than we don’t know who were fighting, And why are we drinking and driving ‘ We instead we could be smoking and flying Than were sick the whole next day With many regrets on their way Cuz weed heals and alcohol just kills Bridge now im not saying its for everyone, everyone has the freedom to choose, but there could be …
fuckin a you got it on lock. people who really think marijuana is illegal for safety reasons but will take a benzo or an SSRI because a doctor tells them it’s okay just blow my fucking mind
beebee890 brought me here
Beautiful smile! Greetings from the UK!
Negativity is not welcome !! Hehe
Its not gonna pass, don’t hold your breath.
your fly girl <3. FREE THE WEED
i fucking love you
Yes on Prop 19 ~ No on Cooley
please suck my weiner
that was a sweet song there cutie ^(^o^)> high five
Aww thanks beebee
@kschaal635 mean i put it on my youtube channle when ppl cleak on my youtube channle the frist thing they see is you its stell upthare as of 6am 10/15/10
Hey beebee what does steaming mean?
Nice !!! Encore !!!
you made my streming channle for a while
thanks guys! Yes on prop 19!!
Vote YES on Prop 19.
Anyone who votes “no” is supporting drug dealers, violence.
Anyone who votes “no” because they say “this is not the one we need to pass, we need to wait for a better Prop” is living in a dream world. You have to change laws 1 step at a time. These people think it can go from being illegal to 100% legalization with no restrictions or taxes at all, that is not rational at all and will NEVER happen. Change 1 law at a time and see how that goes, then continue with progress.
Go Green vote yes on 19! Hemp for Oil, Food, Textiles, Plastic, and Medicine