Take a minute and vote on one of the hottest topics in the United States today. With the Boston are and California decriminalizing marijuana it has really escalated across America. Let us know what you think about this topic and whether or not we should decriminalize and (or) legalize marijuana for personal and (or) medical use?
what song is thiss..?
Everybody who will vote ‘no’ will simply keep their opinion to themselves, go to the polls like a slave, and fail. No surprise there..
Of course, why the hell is it illegal in the first place??
Yes, Legalize it
cannabis should be legal like i mean its around for a reason right
absolutely yes on both
Yes to both!!
hell yeah i can hang dum ass college fags give weed a bad name
yes to both
hell yes both
afghan weed roxx…
i think they shouldlegalize it for both or at least med use at least it can create jobs n help ppl everyone does it ne ways it will keep ppl from going pointlessly to jail yea there should be some limits to it tho like no more then a pound cant grow or only like 5 plant something
only idiots, dont smoke pot ,.. its the bottom line,.
legalize marijuana!!!
pot is illegal for the rich to get richer and to poor to become slaves something that can be use for medical / fun / relax / and music / and safer then what is legal should be legal because the people out way the politics . once it became legal i can see a lot of drug inforcer and people with power creating problem to scare people back to probation .
Look, people need to relax about pot thats the point of smoking it. It should be a fun event every once and a while. Don’t turn pot into nasty cigarettes with all kinds of chemicals in it. I say legalize it and let it be a natural plant grown in the earth.
Of course it should be legal, marijuana being illegal is one of the most asinine laws in this country.
Legalize it and tax it, let all those people in jail on marijuana arrests only, out.
Focus on violent criminals, not pot heads.