Legalize Marijuana? Pro or Con?

Lately there has been a lot of coverage on the subject of legalizing Marijuana for any dozens of reasons. (such as these:
THC is the active ingredient in Marinol, a legal prescription drug. California and Colorado have legalized it for medical purposes as well. Many financial analysts suggest that the legalization, taxation and import of our number one unofficial cash crop could substantially improve our economy.
With all the reasons people are advocating the legalization of Marijuana, do you think it should be legal? Why or why not?
it is a 10th amendment issue
Well, the libs tell me smoking is bad for my health. But Marijuana is O.K.?????
give it a rest,we have enough morons already.these twits elected obama…….
There are other ways of ingesting Tetrahydrocannabinol that don’t involve smoking it, and are completely safe. Research has shown that marijuana is less harmful to a person than alcohol. The DEA has spent more than 20 Billion dollars just to combat Marijuana alone in the past two years. Though I don’t know the prison data, holding people in jail for marijuana related crimes is also a huge drain on financial reserves. Now if it were to be legalized, that money can be put into more important things, like health care. Plus the tax revenue can help to support other government projects, like paying down the national debt.