Legalize marijuana now

Legalize marijuana now

First of all the government has NO RIGHT to tell any citizen of the united states of America what he or she can and cannot do as long as it does not infringe on anyone elses rights smoking marijuana does none of that i believe that if a responsible adult can come home after work and drink a few beers pass out and repeat this then why cant the same person smoke marijuana in this manner? if your worried about kids getting it then legalize it so the government can regulate sales of it prohibiting the sale of such items to under age persons right now any teenager if given $50 can within an hour purchase marijuana without ever being asked for a drivers license or ID so why not control sales and legalize it not to mention the hundreds of illnesses marijuana has already been proven to treat examples are chronic pain,arthritis,glaucoma,cancer,aids,asthma,emphysema,ADD,ADHD,insomnia,and many other diseases that no other pharmaceutical drug can aid also their are no harmful side effect produced by using marijuana it is the safest most widely used medicine on the planet

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