Legalize Marijuana Now Dori Monson Show Jim McKay Part 3.wmv

Video responses are encouraged here, anyone have anything about legalization, go right ahead and just respond away!! Legalize Marijuana Now Dori Monson Show Jim McKay speaks out against the war on marijuana. It’s time to make some changes! Dori Monson, kiro radio 97.3 FM, Legalize marijuana, decriminalize drugs, Jim McKay says legalize marijuana, washington state, california, cash crop, Marijuana Videosmarijuana legalization movement, hemp/cannabis, substantial resources, substantial fuel, industrial hemp, agricultural hemp, Medicinal cannabis/marijuana, how weed won the west, The American Drug War, The Last White Hope, THe Union The Business Behind Getting High, Hemp For victory, marijuana documentaries, cannabis cures cancer, For victory, marijuana documentaries, cannabis cures cancer,
hell ya this guy is a dumbass he needs to chill. he sound fat
i well grow weed it’s not against my consious, imy consious guides my actions not bullies
haha that girl dont have a clue about anything!
If California legalizes Marijuana Im going to vacation there every year.
you guys dont have any real idea of marijuana stick to topics you know about
whos really wants to grow if you can just go to the store…lol. Theres different levels of alcohol and thats vs Jack daneils say..People who smoke ,,smoke. people who drink ,, drink…Your kids will either way..Its a personal choice..Ive been smokn for years. but i dont drink…because alcohol makes me sick..pot doesnt..simple as that
DEREK is my HOMIE! hahahaha
you miss the whole point of legalization and I assume you miss the point intentionally. Legalization cut out the mafia and if people could grow there own, as they should, there wouldn’t be any greed involved.
i could buy pot when i was 11 it was sold at shcool by the same guy for 3 years non stop
quit worrying about my actions and focus on yours my sons knows his abc can count to 100
and has critical thinking skills top 1% in IQ in the state of indiana for his age bracket
mind your own business this is a republic not a democracy the majority needs to stay away from my rights to be me
totally, it makes me sick!!!
she just said she is cool with her kids experimenting with alcohol, but not weed? there is so many misinformed people
We live in a “drug culture” that advertises booze, fast cars, fast food, violent movies and video games, and drugs of all kinds on TV! Then we tell kids “Say no to drugs.” We give kids Ritalin, instead of just reducing their sugar and Game-Boy intake, and then tell them, “marijuana is dangerous!” They see right though this hypocrisy. A ruse by any other name…
yeah, yeah say what you want.
He’s not phony, how long you listened to him, this video?? A day? A week? You don’t know him, or you wouldn’t be saying that. Talk radio is not dead.
You can’t blame a stoned cold sober man with a family for being a tad bit ingorant. But he’s for freedom, and at least he’s for decriminalization of ALL DRUGS, and legalization of marijuana.
It’s cool thou, you don’t have to like Dori, but I listen to him everyday of the week. TELEVISION IS DEAD! INTERNETLIVES!
dori monson is so phony, He doesn’t seem to understand reality you have to wait for an hour to get on his show
Amen. And lets not forget that the war on drugs is illegal in the first place.
If anybody doesn’t believe me then do some research on the 10th amendment.
Fucking tell me about it…..
This year they’re coming out with new alcoholic energy drinks that have the highest potency then they ever have had be4! I’m sick in tired of this ignorant fucks that feel they have the right to tell you, me and others how to live our lives!
That is not patriotic, those people are ruining the Constitution everyday!
Not only that, but THC isn’t nearly as potent as alcohol is as far as the buzz/high/drunk goes! Like th@ 1 woman was talkin about! STUPID!
What is the problem with higher levels of THC? If people want to get to a certain level of high they are just going to smoke more weed. In fact its common sense that the higher the THC the less hits one has to take to reach the level of high they are trying to attain and therefore is healthier on the lungs. If you give our nation shwag weed that would be doing us a disservice.
What the fuck is the cool jewl talking about>? WTB
Is he serious????
Treated the same as being malested? WHO THE BUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE. HUH?
FOR one your not going to compare a drug such as MaryMWAH to cocaine, or xstacy? ok pal thats the truth. FOUR 1 ok.
Another thing is, you need to get your shots homey, who r u to be talking of others anyhow goggle goggle. Speak for yourself brow
time to legalize it period, cigs, are worse, and they are legal, people coughing, spitting, hacking up tabacco balls, time to legalize it
Good we need stronger weed
But umm, yeah everclear. Good argument!