Legalize Marijuana in 2010!

CHANGE.ORG IS NOW ACCEPTING VOTES! LETS MAKE LEGALIZING MARIJUANA THE #1 ISSUE 2 YEARS IN A ROW! LINKS… NORML: WATCH THIS DOCUMENTARY: LEGALIZE, TAX, & REGULATE THE SAFER CHOICE! AMERICAN DEATH FACTS(per year)! · Deaths per year resulting from tobacco: 430000 · Deaths per year resulting from legal drugs: 106000 · Deaths per year resulting from alcohol: 100000 · Deaths per year resulting from aspirin: 180 – 1000 · Deaths that have ever occurred in direct result of Cannabis: 0 (PLEASE RE-UPLOAD THIS VIDEO) Facts: · Farming 6% of the continental US acreage with biomass crops (Hemp) would provide all of America’s Energy needs. · Biomass can be converted into methane, methanol, or gasoline (which could eliminate our ties with the Middle East) at a cost comparable to petroleum and hemp is much better for the environment. · Hemp fuel burns clean. Petroleum causes acid rain due to sulfur pollution. · The use of Hemp Fuel does not contribute to global warming · Hemp seed can be pressed into nutritious oil, which contains the highest amount of fatty acids in the plant kingdom. Essential oils are responsible for our immune system responses, and can clear the arteries of cholesterol and plaque. · The byproduct of pressing the oil from hemp seed is a high quality protein seed cake. It can be used to bake into cakes, breads and casseroles. Hemp seed protein is one of mankind’s finest, most complete, and available-to-the body vegetable …
Hmno .. marihuana is not legal in Holland unfortunatly. He hasn’t done much research lol. LEGALIZE!
legalize now im collecting signatures to legalize marijuana subscribe to my account to legalize marijuana
Alcohol – Kills people
Marijuana – Does not
Alcohol – If it doesn’t kill you, it may very well screw your health up.
Marijuana – Opposite effect… Is known to improve various health conditions.
Alcohol – Is addictive
Marijuana – Is not
Alcohol – Causes many misunderstandings (fights, domestics, etc…).
Marijuana – Opens the mind up to better understanding.
Should alcohol be illegal? – Government is drinking a Beer while reading this now, so Nope.
Should Marijuana be illegal? – WHY?
Alcohol – Kills people
Marijuana – Does not
Alcohol – If it doesn’t kill you, it may very well screw your health up.
Marijuana – Opposite effect… Is known to improve various health conditions.
Alcohol – Is addictive
Marijuana – Is not
Alcohol – Causes many misunderstandings (fights, domestics, etc…).
Marijuana – Opens the mind up to better understanding.
Should alcohol be illegal? – Government is drinking a Beer while reading this now, so Nope.
Should Marijuana be illegal? – WHY?
NO ONE NEEDS MOTHA FUCKING TREATMENT, WHO GIVES ONE AUTHORITY TO FUCKIN SAY A PLANT IS ILLEGAL, sorta like ” i cant stand old people, they are so UGLY!, i cant focus on the road when i see them” i think we should illegalize those old ugly ass people” KINDA FUCKIN DUMB RIGHT!
Great video ! Relegalize 2010 vote !!
Awesome vids. Keep up the flow of info. You have my subscription.
@Verbinguden ye legalize it then every criminal will change their ways selling coke heroin and every crap like that prices will drop and it will be hell in the us
bunch of idiot think about it
Fuckin cop rather be harassing potsmokers instead of going after terrorists. Why am I not surprised?
and they sell magic mushrooms in amsterdam and why are we called a free country? beats me.. amsterdam has more freedom than we do.. they the free country not us
mindless sheep police… “it makes you high” I also love the antidrug argument “smoking pot makes you a junkie” well then, drinking a class of beer makes you a fucking alchoholic. stop the fucking ignorancy!!!
@twistedshen @twistedshen Agree. People against drugs often puts the harmfull ones in the same box as cannabis, LSD, DMT, mes caline and even shrooms. Its just so ignorant…
@antiall90 It don’t matter tho, Weed is always better than Tobbacco and I smoke both so I’d know.
I have no problem people using and selling Marijuana.
But Heroin, Coke, Meth, crack……that shit is from the devil. I’ve seen what those drugs do to people and families.
But Marijuana is a different story.
@HistorysMysterys tobacco wouldn’t even be a killer if they quit putting the artificial sugars in it that cause cancer.
that cop that says he enforcing law … lol… thats the problem .. you cant enforce law it just is so we uphold it!!!!!! 2 laws dont harn anyone or take something off someone
Yeah, America is Lock Up Happy. Sick of Pig Cops Harassing people just for having or using. DRUGS DON’T KILL SOCIETY. STUPID MUTHAPHUKKAS ON THE DRUGS DO!
Tobbacco kills- 435,000 people a year. — “DEATH”
Alcohol kills – 85,000 people a year. — “DEADLY”
Marijuana kills – 0 people each year. — “HARMLESS”
our systems need enemies to have something to do
its an opportunity for ppl if they grow it the only way they can sell it if they have a license just like you need alicense to sell anything else what happens when you get cought selling with no license a fine of some sort?
just have to comment on this vid, ppl why are they still calling marijuana a drug, well I have a theory to this it would be hard for the government to tax marijuana cuz any body can grow it, and they couldn’t track all the growers so thats one opinion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
too few views, right?
not much to say.. but fuck pregidism
weed is not a drug but simply a stress releaver and a joy giver