Legalize Marijuana? Haha I know weird question?
should marijuana be legalized? pills that r legal which are given out by for example doctors, pharmacies are also dangerous (maybe even more dangerous) and marijuana can also be used in health issues. should marijuana only be legal to use with permission from doctor OR should it be legalized over-all? what do you think?
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i think they should
it should be legal…OJ SIMPSON FOR PRESIdeNT
People would smoke it all the time otherwise so u no
Fuck yes, it was only illegalized because some guy was scared.. idk
But yes, it should be.
they should my parents caught me rollin a j and now im in trouble 🙁 🙁
yes . legalize marriage with Marry Jane 😉
Yes with doc permission. Because if it were legal overall the punks would all steal my munchies.
Legalize, educate, regulate and TAX!
It has never been ‘illegal’ in my house.
No tight-assed fuddy-duddy is going to tell me what to do in the privacy of my own home.
Do you hear me, President Obama?
You run the country, and I will run my household, okay?
i think if people really need it for health reasons but not for little chavs to sit round on the dole smoking it no
Doctors prescription.
there’s already enough idiots driving drunk
It should be put on the same par as alcohol.
Legalize it so we can tax it and put criminals out of business.
Personally, I hate the stuff, but legalize it for people over 18 since that only makes sense.
it’s not even one of the worst drugs.
i think pills are worse,
with marijuana your just smoking what
‘mothergod’ or whatever gave us! 🙂
661 973 409 3269
and legalize marijuana one step at a time! 🙂
no calling fee. i did it(:
Legalize it but tax it. It will prevent so much of a black market, help the economy, and make the people happy.
The tax would need to be high enough to give non smokers enough of a benefit to equal the negative experience of living within a smokers society.
In this way everybody wins.
It is actually a very interesting concept economically. Look up ‘Externalities’, which is basically teh study of such ideas.
Marijuana’s fun and all but the links to schizophrenia and other illnesses are going to make it a hard case to push. maybe if the police loosened up on its sale and use but still kept a firm position. the pharmaceutical pills are dangerous can help a lot
It should be fully legalized. Anyone who is against the legalization of marijuana is brainwashed by the government and society into thinking that weed is bad for you, when there’s no actual evidence to back that up and millions of people live stoned for nice, healthy long lives without health or mental consequence.
and no it’s not a weird question, it’s been in the fucking news like every day now
As far as i know obama is trying to legalize weed i dont see why it shouldnt be completely legal i mean how many people do u hear of smoking a joint and then going out and killing a bunch of people? It is good for many different medical issues including mental health problems. I think if he does become legal it should come with the same circumstances as drinking and driving though because i dont think it is wise to drive when one is stoned. Also if they could figure out a legit way to tax it with all the potheads out there we would be out of the recession alot faster
Yes, I believe it should be. The cannabis plant has hundreds of practical uses that could help our economy, and medicinal marijuana has an incredible amount of healing properties, not to mention pain relieving uses. I personally think it should be completely legalized, but I would be happy if it were just medically recognized. Marijuana has never killed anybody, while prescription medications (like pain relievers) cause addiction and death every year. Even over the counter medications cause fatalities. It’s just a travesty that alcohol and tobacco are legal when they take hundreds of thousands of lives every year…sigh.
EDIT: As we all know, prohibition simply doesn’t work. It’s not like nobody smokes weed cause it’s illegal. It didn’t work with alcohol, it won’t work for marijuana. The least we can do it put an end to the illegal activity and dangerous drug wars that the ban on marijuana has brought us.
there are countries where smoking weed is legal, like holland for example. you can order different species of marijuana in a coffee shop and smoke it there. if they are banning the use of marijuana, i think they should ban alcohol and tobacco also. they are all health hazards.
I grew up in Amsterdam…and it’s legal there.
It’s not as big of a deal a lot of people think it is….nobody is (well most people aren’t) walking around like a crackhead.
Smoking cigarettes is legal, and drinking, which has side-effects, is legal…so uhm YEAH I think it should be legal in the U.S. (and maybe some other countries) too
im saymultipleesclerosis really beleve it in my situation i have m.s yes
Medicinal marijuana industry is bigger than the beer industry here in California. Our state’s coffers are empty: they close the DMV to save money, and the Governator says there will be further cuts to health and education.
People whom obtain marijuana legally in California need to do some things: avoid any driving while under the influence, and get their bud locked-down in their cars as they transport it into their homes where they can privately and safely self-medicate.
All these yahoos who are drinking alcohol and smoking pot at the same time and then blaming their inebriation on the legalization of marijuana are ruining it for us all.
Lets keep it discrete and safe, people. Lets show that we can end the prohibition of marijuana and still act responsibly.
In my point of view, it should deffenetly be legalized. Smoking is legal, and it is way more harmful for you. Weed is just a plant, it’s not that bad. And for people who need to calm down or are in pain it would be very useful.
Yes! They have drugs in pharmacies and perscriptions that are way more dangerous but they release them anyways… The true reason why they wont legalise pot in North America is because it is less addicting then cigarettes, cheaper and easier to make, and it is not as harmful for long peroids of time as otherwise cigarettes are. That way they lose control of the people, less money, and fewer deaths which means overpopulation will increase.
I think medical marijuana should be legalized, and regular marijuana should be decriminalized, if not totally legalized.
Medical marijuana has important medical uses that should be able to be used with the supervision of a doctor.
And non-medical marijuana should be able to be decriminalized, just like alcohol, without going onto the black market and creating problems. It should be taxed and regulated just like tobacco and alcohol, and this would have substantial benefits for our economy. Currently, marijuana prohibition creates negative repercussions for society. It adds to the violence of the drug war, as well as the draining of private and public resources that could be used for other important causes.