Legal Marijuana, finally?

Legal Marijuana, finally?

On Nov.19th, California will seek to legalize marijuana for recreational use for everyone over 21. Proposition 19 will allow anyone over 21 to posses 1 ounce at any time and the state will tax it. Any household with at least one person over 21 will also be allowed to grow as many plants as you can fit into a 5ft. by 5ft, plot.
All of the preliminary polls taken show that people favor the new law and that is would pass. With marijuana already holding the #2 position on cash crops, the first being grapes for wine, the state could easily balance their budget in less than 2 years. The jails would be a lot less crowded, helping with costs again, and leaving more room for people who commit more serious crimes.

My question is: Will the people who really need this to pass be able to pry themselves away from the TV and the Cheetos and get out and vote?? I know I will be putting in a yes vote. I am a medical marijuana patient and can smoke it legally anyway, but when the price drops by 70 to 80 per cent as they say it will, that will be even better.

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