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Legal Cannabis, Fact Or Myth? Find Out Here!

Legal Cannabis, Fact Or Myth? Find Out Here!

There seems to a misconception going around these days about whether there is such a thing as legal cannabis. Well lets get straight to the point…no, there is no such thing as legal cannabis! It is still very much illegal. Perhaps the day will come when the government will legalize cannabis, but until then it is still classed as a law breaking drug.

Perhaps what you have actually heard about is legal herbal buds. They are in no way a form of cannabis. What legal bud is, is a mix of botanicals and herbs that tribes and primitive cultures use. There are a lot of different types which come not only in bud form, but also as an oil or a solid.

Most likely it’s the way that these herbs look is the reason why people mistake them for a form of legal marijuana or weed etc. They are, of course, buds and we all know that with weed (marijuana) the bud is what’s smoked to get high. The legal bud pictures say it all. They are almost identical to the illegal cannabis that is sold on the black market.

It has been debated whether or not you actually get high with herbal buds. People who have smoked it say that it has a relaxing affect. With each type of plant comes a different affect. One thing is for sure though…the people who smoke it have been very satisfied with what they have bought.

So just to clarify…legal cannabis is a myth! So far anyway.

Want to know more? Go to : http://legalcannabis.tropud.com

This article was written by Christopher Rowan

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