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LBS Slightly Used Attraction Theatre – Prop 19

LBS Slightly Used Attraction Theatre – Prop 19

The Lost Boy Studios Forum Site presents, the Fall of Proposition 19. California recently defeated ballot Proposition 19, the measure proposing the creation of the Regulate, Control & Tax Cannabis Act. Voters decided to reject Prop 19, and this Slightly Used short film attempts to explain why. This video uses a clip from the Simpsons Episode, Weekend at Burnsie’s (the pot episode), in which Springfield considers a “legalize medical marijuana” initiative (spearheaded by a clearly high Homer Simpson). The clip is used under the Fair Use Doctrine, reference 17 USC §107. This is a nonprofit, educational, criticism and commentary of a political phenomenon and intends to show that history does have a way of repeating itself when it comes to psychoactive drugs.

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