Last night I did weed in a bong for my first time?

Last night i did weed in a bong with my two brothers and a friend for the first time but it didnt really have a big effect on me. I Thought u just laugh heaps and feel relaxed?
Last night i did weed in a bong with my two brothers and a friend for the first time but it didnt really have a big effect on me. I Thought u just laugh heaps and feel relaxed?
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it could of been the kind u had. no worries last time i got high i must of not got high enough becuase i didn feel great. i was geeking out and had the munchies a lil but i should of kept smoking
try that and go for headdies. (idk if i spelt that right) or og kush. find a good dealer =)
There’s all kinds of marijuana out there and all kinds of highs that come from marijuana. Some marijuana (like the original stuff they used to grow back in the 60s) actually mellows you out. Some weed makes you trip out and get paranoid, or makes you think something’s happening when it isn’t (one time I actually believed my friend and his mom was planning on kidnapping me and doing something to me, when really, they were just laughing at what I looked like when I was tripping out to the commercials I saw on TV). Other marijuana makes you hallucinate.
But yeah, basically everybody trips out differently. Say you got one type of weed; one guy may mellow out while another trips out. Another may get all giggly.
So either you’re not a hardcore tripout or your brothers were smoking some bunk ass weed.
There are different strains and qualities of weed, that’s true, but it is actually possible to smoke great weed and not get high if you’re not doing it correctly. Low quality weed requires more hits to get as high as you would from a good strain, so it may have been a quantity issue, as well.
It could be the weed, but you might not be getting a good enough hit, or your just not holding it in long enough. Most likely you didnt smoke enough, or it just wasnt strong enough.