SeanxLong asks Kevin Smith about California’s measure to legalize marijuana on November’s Ballot @ WonderCon 2010. Subscribe to Sean @ The first part of the last question set: April 2, 2010
Foxborough Needs to Establish Medical Marijuana District Following AG's Ruling “Unless somebody can articulate something specific I think... Read More »
@vivalaminion Also, I would like to know how exactly I was being racist. I think you’re just pulling the race card because you have nowhere to go with this shit. And also of course because you are an illiterate moron.
@civilian8 Oh and I’m for the legalization of weed. But only for people who are legal adults in their states(like here in Missouri, the age you’re considered an adult is 17).
@MutantKush Dude, I smoked weed from ages 11-14 and I quit. And after I quit, I realized it is pretty overrated. All it really did for me was give me headaches and make me hungry. And the weed I smoked that made me feel like that was the exact same weed that made my friends see weird shit. You can’t say anybody who’s smoked it can’t call it overrated.
haha i wonder if kevin said that on purpose “to immortalise yourself’. if u watch documentaries about schwarzenegger when he was young he kept goin on about how he wanted to be remembered, to be immortal
@vivalaminion Exactly. You dont smoke pot and call it “over rated”. Everyone knows pot isnt over rated if they tried it. If you did try it and thought it was over rated then your getting shitty weed. Also you said you dont like Avatar because alot of people like it… your a moron.
“The Terminator’s waiting for a phone call from Silent Bob?!” XD
@vivalaminion lol thank god that dudegirl stopped. you’re dumber than a rock!
@Anhaedra oh, so now im illiterate….what about you, ya dumb cracker, honkey piece of shit motha fucka
@vivalaminion Also, I would like to know how exactly I was being racist. I think you’re just pulling the race card because you have nowhere to go with this shit. And also of course because you are an illiterate moron.
@vivalaminion I’m not sure what the hell you just tried to say, but thank you for confirming for us all that you are truly a fucking retard.
@Anhaedra You best check yo-self before you get all racist up in that shit bitch!
@vivalaminion I never said “you people”. Again, you can’t read. Wow it’s a good thing you don’t smoke pot if you’re already this dumb.
Wat you mean by “you people”?!
@vivalaminion Yeah, you seem like the retarded one to me. Where did I say I smoked pot? Fuck, can’t you dumbshits even read?
@Anhaedra if im retarded…then how come you are the one smoking pot
@vivalaminion Plenty of fucking retards don’t smoke pot. You’re one of them.
@MutantKush What’s so funny bout that?
weed has never killed anyone, smoke up and put a movie on
@civilian8 LOL @ 11-14
@civilian8 Oh and I’m for the legalization of weed. But only for people who are legal adults in their states(like here in Missouri, the age you’re considered an adult is 17).
@MutantKush Dude, I smoked weed from ages 11-14 and I quit. And after I quit, I realized it is pretty overrated. All it really did for me was give me headaches and make me hungry. And the weed I smoked that made me feel like that was the exact same weed that made my friends see weird shit. You can’t say anybody who’s smoked it can’t call it overrated.
@SEANxLONG Hell yeah, stay high Sean
@MutantKush FUCK YOU!!!
@vivalaminion I cant respect anyone who bases their opinions off of other peoples opinions. If thats your own opinion then I respect that.
@MutantKush It is over-rated…you get somewhat the same feeling by wacking off and its for free…and avatar does suck, get over it
Of course he did!
haha i wonder if kevin said that on purpose “to immortalise yourself’. if u watch documentaries about schwarzenegger when he was young he kept goin on about how he wanted to be remembered, to be immortal
XD Awesome!
@vivalaminion Exactly. You dont smoke pot and call it “over rated”. Everyone knows pot isnt over rated if they tried it. If you did try it and thought it was over rated then your getting shitty weed. Also you said you dont like Avatar because alot of people like it… your a moron.
@MutantKush how can i be a moron…i dont smoke pot