Keppra Q&A

Keppra Q&A

Keppra is a monotherapy or ad-on dream therapy? Acc. to most of the websites, it is ad-on psychiatric help. Suggestions appre? Keppra can be prescribed as monotherapy for certain seizure disorders or for seizure prophylaxis. Source(s): PA surgical critical care I see lots of neurosurgical pts on keppra lone What just about substance gain and the other side effects of lamictal and keppra? while i was on keppra, i lost a little bit of weight, but i was also exercising and everything, so that probably have something to do with it. however, it was making me SO sleepy, and i had memory loss. i couldn’t function at the same stratum anymore… and i…Will Lamictal back and treating my PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome)? Well i am taking Lamictal for my epilepsy! For the last 2 years i have been on Keppra but it hasn’t been working so i switched to Lamictal. within the time that i used the keppra i was trying to conceive and couldn’t so i ask the OBGYN and he did a sonogram then…Has anyone hear of using Keppra for Alzheimers.? No I haven’t heard of using Keppra for Alzheimers. Does the patient with Alzheimers have epileptic seizure? i have never heard that you can use it for alzheimers.. keppra is for seizures and other neurological diagnosis’ so it could happen Source(s): i work beside neurosurgons and neurologists I’m taking keppra for seizure, is it conventional for keppra to lower sex drive? I think so but you should still produce it do what it do. Fantasize, tell your girl to help you out and bare with you. Side-Effects – What to Watch Out For This is an alphabetical list of side-effects that Keppra can cause. You may not…Keppra and own you taken it for bipolar? i also take lithium, effexor, xanax. and a few days ago the doc prescibed keppra and i am scaared to take it. i tried respirdal months back and almost did go insane. any answers would assist. – Please read this response. It took me ages to write, and I have Bipolar so I understand *hugs*…Keppra information.? i am currently taking lithium,effexor, and xanax and recently my doc added keppre. i am kinda scared to take it because i had taken respirdal and go insane(literally) i have 3 kids and dont want to have a bad effect. please help. – The sites below may back you Source(s): My doctor is trying me on keppra for anxitey is it locked? no one on this site can answer your interview unless they are a pharmacist or MD. it must be new try this website Keppra is a medication normally used to treat seizures, and it’s a relatively tentative drug. It can also be prescribed for psychiatric disorders like anxiety if your doctor…My dr put me on a medication call keppra for epilepsy. he requirements me to give somebody a lift 1000mg twice each day. I own taken? UP TO 1200 MG THROUGHOUT THE DAY BUT NEVER 2000 MG IN TWO DOSES. DOES THIS SEEM HIGH FOR THIS DRUG. – 1000mg of Keppra twice a day is in the mid-range for dosing. 3000mg per…Side effects of occupation within a toddler permanent over an hour? Meds be given to stop it 1 yr ago on keppra presently? child had another seizure November 2006 that is when keppra was started. no tremor since. now her eyes are roaming out of control for seconds then she can focus illusion seems to be a problem for her she may…Which drug company make keppra, have need of to find pt assistance form , free med program thru company? UCB Pharma. Here are two websites with patient assistance information. Source(s): Can i appropriate periactin tablet while I’m taking keppra tablet? Ask your doctor. You can also look up a drug interaction checker ( Are abilify,mirtazapine,oxycodone,estradial,geodon,maxalt,keppra,or migranal available OTC contained by Canada? Im wanting to obtain abilify ,mirtazapine ,oxycodone , estradial,geodon,maxalt,keppra,or migranol from Canada, if it is available over the counter? Does anyone know? – You need prescriptions. You can buy tylenol with a small amount of codeine ( I think 8 grains) OTC. That’s going on for it. You can get many drugs from pharmacies…Can ambien and keppra be used together? I am a pca for the state of ct, dept of mental retardation and i have this client that takes the medicine KEPPRA to control his seizures. He also take ambien at night to help him sleep. Im wondering if this is ok to be taken together? are there any adverse side effects when…Can i drink alchaol next to keppra? i was wondering, if i’m older & still on keprra medication for seizures if i could drink alchaol. i’m hestitant about it because i’ve read it can endow with me alchaol posining. i dont want to live the rest of my life without having a good time one surrounded by awhile. anyone have any ideas? – …Can taking the medication keppra sort a entity create spit bubbles or form at the mouth at times? not sure i know how one “forms” at the mouth Spitting bubbles and foaming at the mouth is common during seizures. The medicine Keppra would not have anything to do near that. Source(s): Caretaker Can the anti-seizure drug Keppra gross a woman stop have her interval or variety it shorter/lighter? Ever since I’ve been on the drug keppra, my periods have changed signifigantly. I wondered if that was one of the side effects to Keppra. – If You Go To This Link There Are Tons Of Woman Having The Same Problems As You. Its A Message…Did you ever stop taking keppra medication for epilepsy because of the side effects? – Yeah, I was initially prescribed Keppra, but I felt like I was within a permanent daze or dream. It felt like it feels right after a fit. I can’t really describe it. A constant state of confusion maybe? Anyway, I stopped Keppra – with doctors approval – and…Do vitamins interfere next to keppra anti occupation medecine?? Will it cause a seizure – Definitely ask your doctor or pharmacist to be sure – but I was taking a multi-vitamin while on Keppra and it was okay. In reality, it’s commonly suggested to take some B6 to curb the moodiness. 100mg B6 a day REALLY helped my emotional swings that I have…Does Trileptal and keppra engineer it impossible for me and my girlfriend to conceive? me and my girlfriend are concerned that my seizure medicine is making it hard for us to this really or is it just a business of time..please no smart answers please. this is serious. we just want others input on experience or knowledge. I concur with the other virtual…How long does it run the drug keppra to thieve affect surrounded by your system after the dosage is increased? once a person is on the drug keppra for seizure disorder , how long does it take to take affect contained by your system once the dosage is increased – ask your neurologist. I accidentally took my son’s keppra 250mg and I am 3 months pregnant,? I called poison control and a pharmacy and they said probably nothing will happen, but I don’t like that word “probably”. I am sooooo alarmed, it is sunday night and there are no doctors to call. Anyone as stupid as I am out there? Also, I am supposed to…I’m worried I might gain solidity beside Keppra.? I was just prescribed keppra for a seizure disorder and I’m very worried it will raison d`tre me to gain weight. I gained so much weight withTegretol and Depakote. I do not want to gain weight beside Keppra. I’m interested if anyone has ever lost weight being on keppra. – It’s a newer medication &…Can you acquire PG have a tubal done? Can mortal on Keppra save you from producing HCG for blood question paper to detect? – The keppra won’t affect a pregnancy test, either blood or urine. It is possible to get pregnant after having your tubes tied, but terribly very unlikely. About 2% of women who have their tubes tied get pregnant and…Is it sheltered to smoke marijuana next to an undiagnosed fit dis. and is it interfere near the medication keppra? Can marijuana cause seizures? I have found evidence on both sides of this arguments similar to what these websites say Also my doctor said not to rob any drugs, but as cliche as it may seem I have a hard time putting marijuana…Is Keppra and Lexapro not dangerous to rob together? Currently I’m on 750mg keppra and 10mg lexapro daily. Anyone taking something similar or known someone who has taken these? – Do you have Epilepsy? Go to, they hold a chat there where you can talk to people that own epilepsy and find out what meds they take and get info from them…Is keppra on walmarts 4 dollar plan? WALMART/SAM’S CLUB $4 Prescription Drug Program Mental Health Medications List Effective November 7, 2008 $4 30-DAY $10 90-DAY DRUG NAME AND DOSAGE QUANTITY QUANTITY AMITRIPTYLINE 10MG TAB 30 90 AMITRIPTYLINE 25MG TAB 30 90 AMITRIPTYLINE 50MG TAB 30 …Keppra & phenytoin please facilitate?? ok so i used to take keppra and phenytoin i cant remember if my doctor had me ont he phenytoin and keppra at the same time because he was trying to embezzle me off the phenytoin and onto the keppra but either way when i took them the same time i feel like almost drunkish.. like dizzy and stumbly and…Keppra and strange thoughts/delusions? I am on keppra and have been for the past 4 years. It’s the only pills that has controlled seizures and that I haven’t had an allergic reaction to. Problem is, I hold horrible anxiety even on panic meds and think such strange thoughts during the day! I constantly am paranoid of dying, I have horrible mood swings and truly…Looking for a decongestive medication undisruptive to steal near phenobarbital and keppra which I appropriate for my seizure.? psydophedrin (not sure about the spelling) seems to trigger my seizures. – Avoid decongestant tablets especially pseudoephedrine if you are on these medicines. Your best bet is to use an inhalant or a decongestant nasal spray ( though nasal spray should be used one and… More Keppra questions please visit :

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