K2 “incense”, what did I do wrong?

K2 “incense”, what did I do wrong?

I bought a little bag of K2 XXX Strawberry Flavored Incense stuff yesterday and smoked it in a mini hookah with my boyfriend.
Besides feeling SLIGHTLY sleepy, this shit did nothing for either of us.
Did we smoke it wrong?
We also got something called Green Ghost and smoked that first but after pretty much zero effects with that, we added the K2 after.
I wouldn’t say I’m some sort of elite pot smoker but I’ve had my fair share and love the stuff but need to get a job so I gotta stay clean.
I’ve read online about people that smoke pot all the time but for the same reasons as me have to stay away from it for possible drug tests with new jobs but smoke this stuff in the meantime. These people say that just a bowl has fucked them up, other people say it got them “so high” but we didn’t experience shit and I’m really disappointed.

Has anyone else had a similar experience with it? Should we try and smoke it out of a bowl instead of a hookah, or like a joint with paper?
Please, only people with real advice. I don’t want anyone telling me this shit is bad for me and that I’m an idiot. Trust me, I’ve read it all before. I don’t intend on smoking this in the long run, just something to do until I can get the good shit back.
At Guru Hank-yeah we put water in the bottom like it said to do. Guess we’ll try and find a pipe or a bowl and try it that way. Didn’t think of that possibility! Thanks!

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