Joe Barton considers guilty plea

Joe Barton considers guilty plea

Discussing how to use Joe Barton’s pot bust to challenge marijuana laws as unconstitutional, conversation with Joe Friendly and Paula Gloria on phone with Joe Barton and attorney Karl Pearson. Joe Barton talks of his plan to refuse offer of plea of guilty to growing marijuana but Karl Pearson urges accepting the deal and not expecting justice from our corrupt courts. Joe Friendly urged Joe Barton to limit his challenge to insisting on a pretrial hearing on constitutionality but Barton insists on continuing to argue all the issues he has raised, including challenging the court’s jurisdiction and illegal search and seizure, as well as constitutionality. Later as it turned out after the video, Joe does cop a plea but then asks Judge Donald A. Williams to undo it. After papers are filed and a hearing, Judge Williams won’t let Barton take back his plea and insists his 3 years’ unsupervised probation is an unusually lenient sentence. Barton persists, bringing along to hearings the Black Prince of the Cameras In The Courts issue, Posr A Posr, pronounced, he insists, as if spelled Poser A Poser, who eloquently persists in demanding the judge’s agreeing to face a camcorder as the realistic update of our constitutional right to a public trial until court proceedings are institutionally videoed as well as audio recorded or better yet: online! Williams keeps ruling down Posr, but with a bit of weight on his conscience which he seems to make up for with a warm friendliness to Barton

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