Jodie Emery at Washington state legalization bill press conference, March 16th 2011

Jodie Emery gave testimony on Wednesday March 16th at a Washington State Legislature work session for House Bill 1550, which would have legalized, taxed and regulated marijuana for adults. HB 1550, introduced by Rep. Mary Lou Dickerson, would allow adults over 21 to purchase cannabis from licensed liquor stores, or grow their own at home. It also legalizes industrial hemp manufacturing and decriminalizes cannabis for 18 to 21-year-olds. Jodie Emery testified about the financial and societal benefits of legalizing marijuana and her husband Marc Emery’s extradition and 5-year US prison sentence. Marc Emery’s original prosecutor in the Western District of Washington, John McKay, also testified in favour of the bill. He began advocating for legalization after observing the failure of prohibition and being dismissed as US Attorney by George Bush in 2007, and having prosecuted Marc Emery. Watch video of Jodie Emery’s testimony here: Read about John McKay’s recent sponsorship of a legalization bill, in the news today (June 21st, 2011) here: Former Seattle US attorney pushes pot legalization By GENE JOHNSON Associated Press June 21, 2011 SEATTLE — A man who once served as the Justice Department’s top official in Seattle said Tuesday that he is sponsoring an initiative to legalize and tax marijuana in Washington state, a measure he hopes will help “shame Congress” into ending pot prohibition. John McKay spent five years enforcing federal …
people locking people up for growing a plant, how is that justice? they cause much more damage to society than people who freely choose to smoke cannabis. messed up world
amen to this you got more gonads than Ive ever seen.God bless you.This is the new prohibition.If more people spoke out like you green would be free.
I don’t meen Mormon I ment norml my phone is weird
Also I don’t feel srry for marc, I don’t like self marderdom, it in itself is selfish, he acts as if he’s making a difference in America for being in prison but dude marc u aren’t being listened to, Canada yes is listening you have that!!!!! So marc emery incarceration really to me is a non-issue, because I don’t even see Mormon doing much for legalizing weed, I know where I live in stl,mo ppl smoke like its legal, u get pulled over they let u go with your weed!
Okay do I feel weed should be legal yes, but what marc emerge did was give away his position, he said and in the way he said it was like inviting a rapist into your home and say yes you can have sex with my wife infront of my children, his words where these, I sell marijuana seed to Americans and I’m proud of it, I hope I they give me the punish me, and then he gets busted and expects everyone to drop what the doing and start acting like this was so unexpected, he gave himself a 10year sentence!
Jodie Emery is a REAL WIFE. love you
Jodie is smart as hell, it’s completely illogical go disagree with anything she said.
I suspect the guy to the right of Jodie is a public official because he seemed to have gotten exited about the taxes and looked over to his buddy! 1:16
The clock on the wall back there is at the same time as mine while I’m watching this. Kinda spooky.
You are truly a princess to us all
Another honest, eloquent, inspiring speech from the beautiful Princess of Pot.
Overgrow the Government! Free Marc Emery!!!
Freedom means so much to us Jodie; Americans like myself who are aware or study the US constitution fully understands what the forefathers wanted for us, and that is individual freedoms, a person able to make personal choices for themselves and not a government to tell you and to force you. I believe that legalizing marijuana is the next step to individual rights in my country
Jodie Emery for President.
I Love seeing Jodi Speak at these things…. As for my self… I’ve given up any hope for a better ShiTstem…
Wish I would have known you were in town. We could have treated you to dinner or something.
Free Marc Emery
we offer moral spiritual & personal support … we will make the change.
you fucking nailed this
we should get every one in this damm world high so they can now whatz it is like so we can fanaly legalize bud every where world wide
decrimalize cannabis it california!!!
Jodie you must be soo tired of saying the same thing over and over again.
I wish i could see the press’s reaction to what your saying, I wish i could be there helping you! : (
Much love Xavierr
We love you Jodie, your strength means so much to us.
…of course our Delisting Marijuana and Hemp form the Law Books is about far more than undoing this piece of cotton industry lobby act from a previous industry monopolizing perversion to our Justice System that makes this healing herb a high crime to medicate ones being with
~this is more about all the stupid destructive things our paid civil servants are some how directed to commit as duty in ways that do not serve public interest, health, safety, prosperity or peace; come let us correct this!
=please and comforted to see you & others doing what they will & how ever they may as this is how we have failed always in the past generations to graduate towards a freeier more complementive society that reaches a lot closer to our collective and individual potential, trying to separate ourselves from reality for the moment , as if trying to remain as children
~this eye understand,