Jodie Emery at Washington state legalization bill press conference, March 16th 2011

Jodie Emery at Washington state legalization bill press conference, March 16th 2011

Jodie Emery gave testimony on Wednesday March 16th at a Washington State Legislature work session for House Bill 1550, which would have legalized, taxed and regulated marijuana for adults. HB 1550, introduced by Rep. Mary Lou Dickerson, would allow adults over 21 to purchase cannabis from licensed liquor stores, or grow their own at home. It also legalizes industrial hemp manufacturing and decriminalizes cannabis for 18 to 21-year-olds. Jodie Emery testified about the financial and societal benefits of legalizing marijuana and her husband Marc Emery’s extradition and 5-year US prison sentence. Marc Emery’s original prosecutor in the Western District of Washington, John McKay, also testified in favour of the bill. He began advocating for legalization after observing the failure of prohibition and being dismissed as US Attorney by George Bush in 2007, and having prosecuted Marc Emery. Watch video of Jodie Emery’s testimony here: Read about John McKay’s recent sponsorship of a legalization bill, in the news today (June 21st, 2011) here: Former Seattle US attorney pushes pot legalization By GENE JOHNSON Associated Press June 21, 2011 SEATTLE — A man who once served as the Justice Department’s top official in Seattle said Tuesday that he is sponsoring an initiative to legalize and tax marijuana in Washington state, a measure he hopes will help “shame Congress” into ending pot prohibition. John McKay spent five years enforcing federal

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