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Jack Herer Discusses the Evolution of the CMI-OMI White Papers and Digest

Jack Herer Discusses the Evolution of the CMI-OMI White Papers and Digest

In this classic Cannabis Common Sense clip, Jack Herer and Paul Stanford discuss the origination of the California Marijuana Initiative (CMI) and Oregon Marijuana Initiative (OMI) White Papers and Digest also known as “Everything You Should Have Learned about Marijuana but Weren’t Taught in School” or “The Emperor Wears No Clothes”. They talk about the positive influence the publication had on the communities/precincts in which it was circulated for the 1986 OMI and its ever-growing popularity throughout the world. Source: Cannabis Common Sense 501 Host: Paul Stanford, Guests: Jack Herer, Madeline Martinez, Russ Belville and Tim Pate. Source: www.youtube.com Learn more about the book at: www.jackherer.com

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