It’s Time To Legalize Marijuana! Judge Napolitano March 25, 2010 News Corp March 25, 2010 News Corp
Medical Marijuana is advancing in Illinois. Check out the latest story from NY Times: SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The... Read More »
Kansas appeals court addresses medical marijuana issue for travelers March 15. By TONY RIZZO. The Kansas City Star.... Read More »
Foxborough Needs to Establish Medical Marijuana District Following AG's Ruling “Unless somebody can articulate something specific I think... Read More »
i used to smoke pot or offered everyday in highschool,and yes within a few hours i could get anything from shrooms to crack if i wanted it. to find get alcohol had to be a planned at least a week in advance with several people dont leg work to find someone who would buy. so how would legalizing it make the now illegal drugs more available?
California is going to get rich, then the rest of the nation
@shandler420 exactly…comparing marijuana to guns? what the fuck is this guy thinking.
Lool what a faggot, comparing it to guns. It’s not like a kid can die from smoking weed, and it’s also a lot harder to smoke weed when you don’t know what your doing than pull a trigger on a gun.
Plus there’s already alcohol and prescription drugs in homes, you fucking idiot.
ROFLMFAO, I Thought He Said Fire Alarms, Not Firearms XD!
3:15 what the fuck is he talking about?
@LandOfAryan thats well and good and since your friends have cards to go buy it for you its not really illegal is it. Not all of us have luxury of getting it whenever we want.
i live in LA and all my friends that have graduated high school have club cards i can get weed whenever i want and the money is not impotent to me and i cant grow it in my house because my parents will kill me so i rather have it illegal
@LandOfAryan Legalizing it can never be bad. Buy it at the organic weed store or grow your own if you are so concerned about it. I dream for the day where i can wake up and say ” Damm Im out of weed, i need to go to the store” then I get to weed store and my only problem is what kind i want to buy and how much.
legalizing its bad because it will become all chemicals and shit it the whole point of marijuana why we smoke it because its good for you last thing we need it to become is chemicals
Did that fucking idiot of a newsanchor compare weed to firearms?? HAHAHAHA.
Did that fucking idiot of a newanchor compare weed to firearms?? HAHAHAHA.
Everyone get your heads out of your asses and legalize it everywhere
good see 15 years girl take medecin in the street, very drug, cool very cool, stupid goberment no understant the life, foolish foolish foolish lacky people. God made the men right that them found depravations… what law is cooming what the next, that you mom give medecin free, crasy society, mad society, your dollars keep for you depravations of you congress coming new bad laws.
@TheDiezel420 no shit, it seems to me that everyone who opposes legal marijuana always has to find some bull shit way to compare it to something else instead of actually finding something wrong with weed itself
So he compares pot to a loaded gun in the house?
prohibiton has ben a failure in every fucking state
Go Napolitano! LEGALIZE IT
yeah my kids might “shoot ” themselves with my bag give me a break you dumb son of a bitch….legalize it and help the economy or just keep raising taxes and push more people into poverty
Where is this fox news idiot from? MARS? smoking pot does NOT impair your ability to drive at all,unless it’s your first time getting baked. After the first time it’s not a problem,because you are used to it,you know whats comming. I do NOT recommend driving right after you get high. having said that, I do it all the time and iv never caused an accident in my 25 years of driving, I do Not feel impaired when im high at all.
BRITISH YOUTUBERS… Please note The Liberal Democrats are the ONLY major party that will help you get your wish… On May 6th PLEASE vote for change, vote for the rights of England, vote for The Liberal Democrats!
There Policy On Cannabis:
Adopting a policy of not prosecuting possession for own use, social supply to adults or cultivation of cannabis plants for own use. Also making it no longer a crime for the occupier or manager of premises to permit someone to use cannabis on those premises.
Good, If the feds come in, then it’s time to utilize the State’s right to sovereignty. All the prison rape and sexual torture of pot smokers…there will have to be a reckoning and the extermination of all those who enforced these laws. Why doesn’t the government ban automobiles (they kill far more)? All conservatives that dont want pot legalization: do not complain when the 2nd Amendment is overturned. Be good little proud children, bend over for the government and turn in your firearms.
Fucking make it fucking legal. Fuck.
@crooklynsince1983 i hope yall do win in november. some state needs to step up and show the whole nation that this prohibition is an epic failure. legalize worldwide.
Get some sticky icky!