is this elemental hero deck any good?

Monsters: 23
Chrysalis Dolphin
E-Hero Neosx3
E-Hero Bubblemanx2
E-Hero Sparkmanx2
Rallis the Star Birdx2
Queen’s Knight
Neo-Spacian Dark Panther
Neo-Spacian Flare Scarabx2
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole
E-Hero Burstinatrixx2
Mid Shield Gardna
E-Hero Avianx2
Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin
E-Hero Claymanx2
E-Hero Bladedge
Magic: 23
Hero Flash
Common Soulx2
Pot of Generosity
Hero Heart
Fusion Weapon
Monster Reincarnation
R-Righteous Justice
Lighning Vortex
Fake Hero
Dark Factory of Mass Production
Double Attack
Fusion Gate
E-Emergency Call
Neo Spacex2
H-Heated Heart
The Warrior Returning Alive
Lighning Blade
Trap: 11
Dust Tornado
Draining Shield
Sakuretsu Armor
Coffin Seller
Hero Signal
Hero Barrier
Negate Attack
Magic Cylinder
A Hero Emerges
Elemental Recharge
Forced Back
Fusion: 6
E-Hero Flare Wingman
E-Hero Wingman
E-Hero Tempest
E-Hero Rampart Blaster
E-Hero Thunder Giant
E-Hero Mariner
Cards: 57
elemental heroes are weak and a waste.
Monsters 22
Neo Spacian Grand Mole x1
Cyber Dragon x3
Great Shogun Shein x2
Grandmaster Of The Six Samurai x3
The Six Samurai- Zanji x3
The Six Samurai- Irou x3
The Six Samurai- Yaichi x3
The Six Samurai- Niashi x2
The Six Samurai- Kamon x1
D.D. Warrior Lady x1
D.D. Assialant x2
Spells 12
The Warrior Returning Alive x2
Reinforcement Of The Army x2
Shrink x2
Snatch Steal x1
Heavy Storm x1
premature Burial x1
Nobleman Of Crossout x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x1
Confiscation x1
Traps 8
Mirror Force x1
Torrential Tribute x1
Ring Of Destruction x1
Solemn Judgement x3
Sakuretsu Armor x2
I suggest using THIS deck instead of an E-hero deck because they are weak and you need 2 fusion them which is hard…PLUS…you dont have all the E-hero Fusions…
no. 57 cards!?!?!?!! r u kidding. how do u expect to win with a 57 card deck?
Rival Rival Rival…
more specificaly how do you expect to win with any type of playable elemental hero deck to date……
Spend the money on a good deck.
Say 40 of any other cards…