Is this California marijuana legalization movement a conspiracy?

I am under the impression Californian politicians are pushing marijuana legalization to create apathetic, unmotivated individuals who would rely on government for handouts, thus securing the Democrats’ offices. If you’ve ever met a pothead (I know several at work), this would be likely because their dopey attitudes are a cookie-cutter fit to promote the liberal agenda: a population of welfare-grabbing zombies with no work ethic. Does anybody else notice this?
I haven’t noticed that, but then again, I’m stoned.
Nothing in government happens by chance. If the highest levels of government didnt want cali to do what it is doing, it wouldnt happen.
I know a pothead who is a Med Student and one of the brightest kids out there.
Yes, it is a Mexican conspiracy to collapse the US under a drugged stupor.
Yes it is…
Shhhhhhh no one is supposed to know… :OX
No, not at all. Freedom is just that, freedom. You have no control over me. BTW, I don’t smoke. But I have had an economic class or two and I resent my tax dollars being used to build prisons we don’t need, employ police to track down the ridiculous and employ district attorneys who should be prosecuting real crime. No to mention bribes of public officials to keep pot illegal and ensure excess profits.
Time to legalize and tax pot and save billions. Also, if your argument held any water at all, we would all be a nation of stumbling drunks.
Stoners are comparable to alcoholics. Like alcohol, marijuana doesn’t have to be a vice, but some people choose to use it that way. A beer or joint now and then never hurt anyone. Moderation is key, and so is having your priorities in order.
Some people abuse marijuana as an emotional crutch, and they should take responsibility for their actions, but it makes no sense to deny them or anyone else the freedom to smoke. It’s a plant, not a conspiracy.
i know several people who smoke weed. thy are neither apathetic or unmotivated. one owns his own restaurant. others are grad students. there really is no difference between smoking weed and getting drunk.