Is there really nothing anyone can do? (Please hurry and answer!)?

Is there really nothing anyone can do? (Please hurry and answer!)?

Okay, so there are a lot of people involved. My family, my niece, my half-brother, and his girlfriend.

Okay, so my half-brother and his girlfriend have a past of doing drugs and drinking a lot and getting high all the time. Puking on my niece and scaring her, I think. Everything except for the puking on is all for sure. I don’t know what to do. My half-bro’s girlfriend has a warrant for her arrest in Illinois, again I’m not exactly positive of this.

Anyway, to the main question. They’re taking my niece to Colorado so that my half-brother can either work as a bartender (doubt it) or at a medical marijuana farm. He told my mom that he’d be making 25,000 a year or something like that. I don’t know what to do… My niece is two years old and doesn’t need to be around that. He doesn’t have any business taking care of a child and neither does she. They have three days worth of clothes for her, no money, barely any brains, no health insurance. I’m worried about my niece… Is there anything that I or my family can do to get my niece back?

Note–We’ve been taking care of my niece at my house for the past six months while my half-bro and his gf pretended to get jobs, lost them, got high, and hid away at my half-bro’s grandma’s house.

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