Is there a way to get marijuana out of my system easily?
I have an appointment to donate blood on thursday, but I got high last night. Are there any home remedies or something to help ensure that I won’t have marijuana in my system?
I have an appointment to donate blood on thursday, but I got high last night. Are there any home remedies or something to help ensure that I won’t have marijuana in my system?
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drink a TON of water
NO, that’s why you don’t smoke weed.
THC is stored in fat cells so in addition to drinking lots of water you need to exercise and burn fat. I’m afraid this won’t work as quickly as you need it though.
1 don’t get high a week before you go to donate blood#2 eat pickles & drink pickle juice ( vinegar )( I know its nasty but it cleans your blood) and drink LOTS of water … takes 3 days & cleans your blood usually …. depends on your metabolism
Sweating, drinking water, and flushing your system with some sort of detox are the only options you have. Niacin is popular for detoxifying contaminants in the body.
And I agree with Cole on THC being stored in your fat cells. If you were a physically active person who sweated pretty good during the week, stayed extra hydrated and took Niacin on a regular basis you would probably be ok, but I don’t think that’s your situation. The time frame is too fast to drop to zero on a blood test. A urine test would be a different story as you are only flushing your kidneys temporarily while the test is going on. I’d say catch a flu or stomach virus on that day.
You should not donate blood if you are using drugs. Remember your blood is going to sick and injured people, and you want to help them. I would see the red cross website and anonymously ask them how long after using marijuana it is safe to give blood.
In the mean time, you could find another way to help, like volunteering or organizing a food drive. You can also recruit other blood donors, like family members or friends, who are healthy and eligible to give blood. Only 5% of people who give blood once do so a second time.
I commend you for wanting to donate blood, but please make sure your blood is in tip top shape when you donate.
How about you lay off that sh*t?
no everything masks but nothing removes..
Why would you do that? Did you forget about the appointment? Leave the stuff alone.