Is the push for medicinal marijuana and government health care just a coincidence?

I think weed should be legalized but not just for medicinal reasons because that just causes more opportunity for crime. Besides it’s not as bad as alcohol.
Anyway is the push for medicinal marijuana just a ploy to get it paid for by the government?
what do you think?
if it’s medicinal why wouldn’t it be covered under a government health plan?
Legalize the crap, don’t tax it and don’t regulate it. If it were to be taxed and regulated, people would still go to jail for it and there would still be plant jackings. If it were to be legalized, no one would bother as it would be so cheap.
Besides, taxing and regulating it would lead to a government take over of it which would then be big business control. I thought that we don’t want that, right open-minded liberals?
i like weed, its cool!
I think you need a phatty and a Greatfull Dead CD for Christimas
But you are right Weed needs to be legalized but not like apples are. Work place drug testing is ok too.
it will be fine if a republican gets to market something, besides booze, capitalism will find a way, when the taxes roll in
With medical marijuana people will not notice that they waited all day for medical treatment.
Many will forget completely that they even had an appointment.
That alone will save millions.
No. The push for the legitimizing of marijuana for recreational use or just for medical use has been around since the 1960s.
Narcotics have been used for years. One of the hottest is methadone. The government already pays for it. Your doctor can prescribe tincture of opium. Is there a more powerful drug than opium? Its covered under various prescription plans and is a recognized treatment.
The push for the legalization of medicinal marijuana would eliminate the criminalization of the purchase of it as a legitimate pain killer. It needs to be regulated from the source and be taxed accordingly.
personally, i think the hypocrisy against pot has finely become so asinine that folks who once backed the propaganda against it have began to reconsider there ignorance and are backing away from the mental midgets opposing it.
As for the Health Care issue, it has reached the point of obvious robbery of the public now, and SOMETHING has to change!! To change the system as it now exists, is going to make a whole bunch of thieves and robers mad as hell, and if we don’t hear them bitching and complaining, nothing is changing!!
Be glad when you hear news reports declaring some branch of government or health department crying… it means another bunch of crooks is getting pinched!
One thing sure enough… if nobody wining , crying, complaining, or bad mouthing Obama, HE LIED TO US.