Is my Yu Gi Oh Deck Good?

Here is my deck:
Pyramid Turtle
Poison Mummy
Master Kyonshee
Regenerating Mummy (x2)
Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
Zombie Master (x2)
Ryu Kokki
Malevolent Mech – Goku En
Getsu Fuhma
Soul- Absorbing Bone Tower
Patrician of Darkness
Spirit Reaper
Vampire Lord
Snipe Hunter
Red Eyes Zombie Dragon
Royal Keeper
Cold Wave
Ribbon of Rebirth
Spell Shattering Arrow
Book of Life
Graceful Charity
Monster Reborn
Zera Ritual
Creature Swap
Pot of Advarice
Field Barrier
Card Destruction
Call of The Mummy
Zombie World
Mystic Plasma Zone
Trap Stun
Shadow Spell
Cyber Shadow Gardna
Magic Cylander
Half or Nothing
Coffin Seller
Tutan Mask
Bottomless Trap Hole
Torrential Tribute
Call of the Haunted
Robbin Goblin
Adhesion Trap Hole
Ritual Monsters:
Zera the Mant
Please Rate How good it is and give me some advice on how to improve it. Thanks. Oh and I have never been in a tournament. I have played my friends though and have only lost once.
I played a deck like this once. it sucked. you don’t have to give me top rating, but if you give it to somebody telling you only what you want to hear, you’ll be sorry. my deck(that has never lost) focuses on one combo that, once set in motion, eats away at my opponent until his @$$ is kicked so badly, that his grandchildren will feel it. at the end of approximately 3-7 turns after started, my opponent is rushed by an enormous 3,500 attack monster, that, unfortunately, has attack conditions that would be unmeetable under any circumstances other than this combo. also unfortunately, I don’t think that ownage is a big enough word to describe it.
Bad, why is pyramid turtle at 1, why useless normal monsters and useless effect monsters, where is Il blud, goblin zombie, mezuki, why useless vampire, why is boo lf life at1. You have useless monsters, spells, traps, etc etc
Banned cards, useless ritual monsters, useles traps such as tutan mask, robbin goblin, etc etc
If your planning to use zombie world, put it in 3’s + 2 terraformings, where is the staples like heavy storm or MST…
It’s not a very solid deck. I don’t recommend you run ritual monsters, and take out the forbidden cards. The first step towards making a good deck is to take out any card that doesn’t give an effect. Second, read each card through and see if it can provide you a strategy. If it won’t benefit you take it out. If you really want to make a pro zombie deck I’d suggest you go on Google and look at other people’s deck and use those are references. Have fun and good luck
yeahh… go on youtube and look up zombie deck builds… that would be a good start for you…
Too many 1 ofs…..
Play multiple importnat key cards …….
I suggets you look for proper deck builds and do some research….