Is my hookah broken…?

This is my first time with a hookah. I bought a mini 8 inch glass hookah, molasses tobacco and coal. I made a screen out of foil after I put the tobacco in the bowl and burned a coal at the top. The water was in and I was ready to smoke. BUT no smoke came out of it when I used the hose, it just didn’t work. What did I do wrong? I really want to use it, any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance, have a lovely day!
Ive never used a mini hookah… but i know with my regular sized hookah.. you have to give the coal time to burn the tobacco.. you have to suck for about a minute.. or you might have packed too much tobacco.. or your hoses may be in wrong if the water isn’t bubbling when you suck.
-my advice.. give he tobacco time to burn.
did you block the other hoses you may just be sucking in air through them if its bubbling but theres no smoke then wait to let it burn ohh and FYI never smoke out of tinfoil its really bad for you