Is my drug paraphernalia charge going to ruin my future career?

Is my drug paraphernalia charge going to ruin my future career?

The police raided my house very early this morning. I’m still shaking. I don’t smoke marijuana anymore, but I used to in the past. They found a vaporizer in my room, took it, and charged me with drug paraphernalia. The legal system in this county is literally the strictest I know of. I am a straight A student and I’m studying to be a pharmacist. If the charge does get pressed, will I not be let into pharmacy school? I’m going to apply to the most prestigious school in my area. Do you think they won’t want me there if they see my background? (Because a pharmacist is a drug distributor…). Another question: any way to drop that charge? Another thing, I don’t see how they obtained legal evidence of this…but they wouldn’t tell me how they obtained the warrant.
That was only part of what they found. They found so much more stuff (which wasn’t mine) it’s not even funny. The list of things they took is a page long
And yes, they found everything that was listed on the search warrant. Again, most of it wasn’t mine, but I’m worried about the one thing that I WAS charged with.

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