Is Medical Marijuana Effective?

I learned from a pharmacy tech teacher that marijuana is only proven to help eating disorders and terminally ill patients (cancer/aids) to boost their appetite. I was told it is not proven to help people sleep or for anxiety or any of the problems medicinal marijuana doctors are using to get people to buy a med card. Is this true?
I suffer from severe anxiety. To the point where if I am in any stressful situation I get hives and sweat uncontrollably and suffer from panic attacks and I am a young woman who is held back from so many social events and schooling because of this anxiety and it’s just no way to live. I have been on a number of drugs which all make me feel very zombie-ish. I am currently on Paxel which is making me very unfocused and too laid back to even talk. Many other drugs I have been on have way too many side effects and a main one is sexual side effect.
I know a lot of people getting marijuana for depression and anxiety. But I am very on the fence about it. I don’t want to take any pills, but I do not want to resort to marijuana unless it is proven to help.
Will you give your opinions to me whether you are a medical marijuana patient or not?
well I am not.
but if I had your problem, and I was in a place where there was medical marijuana, I’d certainly talk to a DR to get it. as I understand it, it could definitely help you relax and not be so anxious.
honestly as demonized as it is, Marijuana is a far less “strong” “drug” than stuff like paxel or probably any of the other things you’ve tried. its actaully a very mild “drug”, with as I understand it, almost no physical addictiveness(psychological, perhaps, but not physiological) and people don’t die from doing too much weed like they do from even ALCOHOL. and how much would it screw you up to have too much of the stuff you are already taking?
I am not saying this as a pothead, (I’ve only ever even tried it once, and it didn’t do very much for me, though I am told it frequently doesn’t the first time) but I am pro-legalization. Weed is less dangerous, in nearly every way a drug can be dangerous, than even ALCOHOL. I bet if you look up the truth about weed, when taken in a medicinal, moderate way, you will find that its *far* safer, with far fewer side effects, then what you are ALREADY taking.
it makes NO sense to regard marijuana as a “last resort” if you can legally get it(hell if you can’t…) when its more likely to work, with fewer side effects, be safer, less addictive, and less harsh on your body than what you are already willing to take.
you can take pills that are extremely harsh, dangerous and give you side effects, or you can have a natural, mild, safe medicine with few side effects.
why are you considering the latter, a last resort?
addign slightly more:
I am not saying its DEFINITELY the answer. I am saying it very well could be, and could be a better solution than the things you’ve already tried. it might not work. but it could. and IMO your inhibitions against trying it, if you can get it legally, are not reasonable.
This is such a loaded question! Marijuana is effective for nausea. That is its best use. It also helps the spasticity of multiple sclerosis. It is a double edged sword where anxiety is concerned. It can help you feel “mellow” for a time and then suddenly change to making you paranoid with no warning!
Please don’t use marijuana for anxiety! The Paxil may be OK but you may need to take less. Or maybe you need something else entirely.
There is a good book by Daniel Amen, PhD : Change Your Brain, Change Your Life
It gives a lot of information, including prescriptions, supplements and other treatments for problems.
Exercise is a great outlet for anxiety and so is meditation. I hope you find what works for you!
Different strands of marijuana affect different people in different ways. At least the “legal” stores can let you know what you’re getting in advance. I have a friend that found most any type he smokes makes him more sociable.
Short Answer:
Yes – it could be just what the doctor ordered
I have anxiety and I get panic attacks too. When I smoke Marijuana, it increases my chances of having panic attacks. I seem to have more when I’m under the influence than when I’m not. Hope this helps.
Ive read what you’ve had to say, and I reckon you should at least try some medical marijuana for yourself. Marijuana affects everyone differently, so without experiencing the magical properties for yourself, there will be no way for you to know if it would work in your circumstance. Just like everyone is affected differently, every strain is itself completely different. For instance, an Indica strain is more of a pain relief strain, whereas a Sativa strain is more of a “head high” strain. So instead of just trying it once, it might be beneficial to at least try it twice, one Indica strain and one Sativa strain. The worst that could happen is you dont enjoy it or it doesnt work. But I can almost guarentee that the positives will largely out weigh any negatives.
I’m no patient of marijuana but you could say I self medicate with it a lot. Different strains give you different effects. Kush, will treat your anxiety real fast because it makes you more relaxed and chilled. The down side is that there are a lot of bad effects that come from smoking marijuana. If it is an option for you. Try being prescribed to Marinol. They are THC(Active drug in weed) pills that make you feel stoned. Without having to inhale all of the carcinogens. Otherwise I would say if it is illegal in your area, stick to the prescriptions.
I find it interesting that you have been on a number of different medications (that are ALL FAR more narcotic and dangerous than marijuana, by the way – and I do have a pretty good idea of what medications you are talking about) but dont want to “resort” to marijuana.
Nothing in science is ever proven, only disproven.
There ARE studies that show significant results saying that short term marijuana use can help alleviate the problems you are speaking of. However, most of the studies show it is a short term fix only. Its not something you would want to use as your primary medication for very long.
I used marijuana through cancer treatment to help with the chemo side effects.
Anxiety, Panic Attacks, and Medical Marijuana… Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Panic Attacks are common illnesses affecting many people. How do you know if you have anxiety disorder? Symptoms include excessive and persistent worrying that interferes with everyday functioning. You may also have insomnia, restlessness, inability to concentrate, fatigue, shortness of breath, racing or pounding heartbeat, and feelings of apprehension or dread. Panic attacks are when you have episodes of intense anxiety or fear with symptoms of chest pain, rapid breathing, racing heartbeat, shortness of breath, nausea, sweating, or chills. Anxiety and panic attacks can start at any time and can be due to your genetics (other people in your family have anxiety disorder), due to your brain chemistry (abnormal levels of certain neurotransmitters) or environmental factors (trauma, stressful event, death in family, loss of a job, etc.)
Good Luck..420rx works for me
There are a number of medications available to treat this condition including anti-anxiety medications such as Valium, Xanax, Ativan, and Klonopin. Another group of medications called serotonin agonists have also been used. These include Prozec, Zoloft, Effexor, and Welbutrin as well as some others. Unfortunately these medications have very significant side effects that make them undesirable as long-term solutions.
Medical Marijuana has been espoused as an effective treatment for Anxiety and Panic Disorders. Paradoxically there are some patients who state that marijuana causes anxiety and panic or paranoia. It appears that one’s response to marijuana is as individual as our body chemistries. Many patients choose medical marijuana – the natural treatment – over conventional medications because of the adverse side effects from pills, lack of improvement in symptoms, and the simple fact that marijuana just works much better to control their symptoms.