Is marijuana legal in Denmark?

this is a very odd question. i know.. but after all of the recent proposition 19 stuff going on in california, ive just had a few questions on the subject I’m no marijuana user looking toward moving to another country to smoke up freely, i just have a few questions. first of all just to make this clear, i am danish, and i have relatives who live (or have lived) in denmark. i understand that the drug is illegal there, but i have heard stories from my relatives that there were some coffee shops there where they would be allowed to lite up and get high while having a cup of joe. i was just wondering if anyone knew anything about this, i was wondering if it had maybe been because they were little, and the danes allowed back then? im not sure… anyone out there have any ideas? thanks!
No, it isn’t.
Marijuana possession in Denmark is punishable by up to two years in prison. The normal penalty, however, is a fine. For first offense possession of up to 10g hash or 50g marijuana, the Chief Public Prosecutor permits a warning in limited circumstances.
In 2004 the city government in Copenhagen briefly experimented with ‘turning a blind eye’ to recreational pot possession. The consequences, with stoners from all over Denmark coming to the city to ‘score’ – often by shoplifting or mugging people to get the cash – were disastrous, and the experiment was dropped.
Since then, Copenhagen City Council has passed several non-binding resolutions asking the National government to decriminalize pot, but to no avail.
In Denmark: No, marijuana is not legal.
However: Christiania, the freetown in Copenhagen, has had special laws since its beginning in ’71, one of these being that marijuana was legal within Christianias premises.
But in 2004, the government started a “normalization” of Christiania. Part of this was to make the trade of hash illegal. So on paper it is now illegal everywhere in Denmark, but if you go to Christiania nothing has changed about it since 2004: It is still sold just as openly as apples or T-shirts.
The police doesn’t enforce the new laws at all, so I would, Yes it is legal in Christiania. A couple of times the police has “stormed” the palce, shutting down all illegal activities, but I think that is more for “symbolic” reasons, because it doesn’t change a thing.
I think it is quite interesting that a place like Christiania exists, so different from its surroundings