Is it possible to be horribly sensitive to marijuana?

lately whenever i smoke marijuana its affected me really strongly. It started a couple months ago, a couple of weeks after i first tried shrooms. since then i’ve smoked a couple of times, thinking that it might not happen again, and it keeps happening. yesterday was the worst, when i took two hits out of my friends bong and was completely gone. i spent about 5 hours on his bed just tripping really bad. it was the most intense psychedelic experience of my life. no one else was effected like that so i know that it wasn’t laced. It would not be a problem at all not to smoke anymore, but i would just like to know why it affects me like that. Does anyone know of this happening to anyone else, or, more importantly, why?
I have tons of friends who smoke and have never heard of such a thing happening. if it wouldnt be a problem quiting i suggest you do it. but maybe the srooms are still affecting you somehow, and its a flashback your experiencing.
well, right when i first started smokin weed in grade 9, id take two to 3 hits and i’d be blown, cause i was just an easy bake and i only smoked once a week or once every two weeks, now i barely buzz if its me and a friend and a blunt, but your situation sounds different, if you dont like the trip it gives you i suggest you quit, but if it is just like being really high then i guess it saves money.
But i can’t really think of a reason why it would affect you that way, you should be fine though, if something is wrong, you’d know for sure.