Internet Censorship Protests In Turkey

Protesters gathered in over 30 Turkish cities over proposed censorship of websites. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian discuss. Subscribe: TYT Mobile: On Facebook: On Twitter: FREE Movies(!): Read Ana’s blog and subscribe at: Read Cenk’s Blog: ISTANBUL — Thousands of people in more than 30 cities around Turkey took to the streets on Sunday to protest a new system of filtering the Internet that opponents consider censorship. The Information and Communications Technologies Authority, known by its Turkish initials as BTK, is going to require Internet service providers to offer consumers four choices for filtering the Internet that would limit access to many sites, beginning in August. Protesters in Taksim Square in Istanbul called the action, which regulators say is intended to protect minors, an assault on personal freedom and liberty. The BTK, however, has said that Internet users will still be able to access all content if they choose the “standard” option for filtering. The other filtering options are labeled as “children,” “family” and “domestic.” Tayfun Acarer, the chairman of the BTK, told reporters this month that the change came about because of complaints and demands for safer Internet use in Turkey. Thousands of protesters in Taksim Square, who were organized through a Facebook page, chanted, “Yes, we ban!” In Ankara, the capital, people cheered, “The …
My fellow Australian’s could learn a thing or two about anti-Internet-censorship protests from the Turks.
what kurdish should do ?with all enemy they have . bigest kurdish enemy is TURK
i think turkish are very brutal toward kurdish through out of history and still they are,
i dont understand what they think them self, one thing i know kurdish day in way very soon , and i promis my self to not feel anything for any turkish to be killed part from child unlike turk they dont even care about children, they 1000 of children every year. world heat u turkish all human being dislike u turk ,
@CHAOSoriginal Showtunes? I guess you’re watching gay porn. lol jk
i was so hoping that you would do a review about this thank you cenk.
@AustrianAtheist your right, I don’t want turkey in the EU too. EU is a shithole and would just help(actually already does) Erdogan on turning Turkey into a more islamic nation. EU already made Turkey take power away from the army(THE power to protect the country from islamization). Thank you Assholes!
In my opinion: NO!! What comes next? Russia? Iraq?… Marocco has already asked to become a member of the EU and so has Israel! A political union cannot work, when it is too large and different. Even now it is not working as it should and the ideological differences between for instance Netherlands and Austria are big enough.
@oprichniki12 I know many Turks, they don’t like Arabs, they have historically hated Arabs what with being stabbed in the back when the empire was crumbling, so Erdogans new found love for them is disingenuous. His administration is determined to cling to power and currently they are locking up journalists, censoring free speech and not addressing the rights of minorities. If only the educated secular Turks could take back control and tell him to fuck off. I’m really hoping they can.
@as2711 its funny how jews are their scapegoat for everything lol, if they only knew more than half the country would kill these backward fucks for the hell of it lol, fuck ERDOGAN and fuck FETHULLAH GULEN, islamist cocksuckers
@AustrianAtheist It has nothing to do with geographical position. Cyprus part of Europe?
come on man there is a hack you can use a free proxy server and watch youtube in turkey i am self turkish so i do that when im there xD
Geographically Turkey is simply not part of Europe. It would be ridicolous to expand the EU to the borders of Iraq, Syria.
OMG! There are some nasty comments about atatürk here. They are gonna ban youtube for another 5 years!!! holy shit.
@CHAOSoriginal Avenue Q!!!!!!! Very nice!
@oprichniki12 you are really stupid arent you little faggot?
Would be nice if Turkey turned into a real democracy and they took responsibility for the killings done by the Ottomans.
Turkey is secular. Its not out of danger from theocratic Islamic views, similar to Christianity in the states, but its not a theocracy like Iran. However compared to the average western view they are very conservative.
Turkey is one of the more free and open countries ruled by religious dipshits. Their dipshits aren’t as shitty as others. The women wear nice, sexy clothes and aren’t forced to dress like a Star Wars sand midget. Businesses are open all night serving good food. Why these guys gotta fuck it all up?
Roll on TYT Propaganda Machine.
@dangerouslytalented Very much so.
Turkish fags trying to get more porn, it’s not a surprise, stop trying to hide your perviness.
@idontfkinknow1234 ha siktir aq
But it was still overthrown yes?
censorship: protecting you from the world
@as2711 Butthurt Israeli, don’t worry the 9 civilians you killed will not be forgotten, you’re going to have to pay for that with your own blood. Erdogan is going to personally ass rape every Israeli citizen one by one.
@idontfkinknow1234 I suggest you, Erdogan and Fetullah Gullen have a good gang bang and fuck each other- you love them so much!!! while they take away your freedoms, censor you’re free speech, imprison journalists, lick Arab arseholes and make the world think that Turks are medieval