Indoor Grow Room – Cheap Quick Easy

Here is my Indoor Growing Station, where I grow Fruits Vegetables and Wheat Grass Year Round in the Coldest of winters and the Hottest of summers!! This Setup can be used with Aquaponics, Hydroponics and Soil Growing. I love this set up because I can also house my Vermi-compost bins on the bottom shelf to complete the cycle. Supplies ~ Most can be purchased at Home Depot * Industrial 4-5 Wire Shleve Unit $54.99 * Emergency Blanket $2.00 * Duck Tape (Dollar Store) $1.00 * Electric Timer $5.00 * CFL 40 WATT Bulb (2600 Lumens) 150 WATT Equivelent X2 $16.00 * 10.5″ Brooder Clamp Light w Porcelain Socket X2 $20.00 ___________________________________ $98.99
im starting to grow i have this soil that has woodchips and other shit like that mixed with some miracle grow……. are the wood chips bad? should i get different soil
@Veriria- same, lol, hope it goes well.
Thanks so much for the video! It was one of the things I saw online that inspired me to make my own set-up. I ended up purchasing shop lights and t-12 bulbs though…
I have a wonderful indroor herb garden were i grow my basil chives weed etc.
@fashodkm hahahaha you sound so innocent.. its funny haha. (not making fun of you, just saying haha)
why not use a 400w halide instead?
Very nice, thanks man, and beautiful picture in the back.
This is great- I was thinking about doing this but there is so much confusing advice on the web, but you made it simple. Thanks!!!
Great video, thanks so much for posting. I’m about to start an indoor garden in my NYC apartment, first just wheatgrass and sprouts, but it would be great to grow some organic fruits and veggies as well later on.
Nice looking man. Very clean. Any reason you didn’t add a little ventilation? (not trying to make a rude comment just wondering)
lol that poster in the back is that girl with the eyes from afganistan national geographic documentary.
Great how-to video! It’s amazing that any aspiring grower can actually start with hydroponics with just under $100 for the system. That’s great value considering the yields that can be achieved with a hydroponics system.
Hey could i use a 250 watt brooder lamp with a hid bulbs or is that to much?
@AriDillProductions I grow many veggies, wheatgrass, tomatos, cooking herbs and salad mix……..
oh, this kind of grow room…
i keep mine OGrangic myself
Amazing job with the video its exactly the typpe of video ive been looking for, im going to try and use this for medical marijuana, do you think it will work?