Indited over marijuana?

Okay, my husband is an IDIOT. He got set up by his best friend to do him a favor and sell a bag of pot for him to another buddy of theirs while dude was wearing a wire. He is the biggest moron I’ve ever met. But anyway that is not the case. I’m wondering this is his first offense. He has never been introuble before for anything. Not even a traffic citation. We live in East Tennessee if that helps. The police told him if he wears a wire on the big drug dealer in town that they would drop his charge to a misdemeanor and just give him fines and give him the car back that they seized (because he was in his car when he gave it to the dude) anyway, if he doesn’t wear a wire on dude, they are going to sell his car in a police auction and try to give him max time for not helping them…
What I’m wondering is how much time would he get if he didn’t help the police and it was a first time offense?
The paper said 1 oz but he says he didn’t think it was that m uch
Depends on how much he sold.
They got him by the short hairs, and he could get at least a year in jail if they want to push it. Him wearing a wire is dangerous for him, but jail is much worse. They are giving him a deal, so he better take it and run. Losing your husband for a year is not good for either of you. His life would be hell with a felony on his record.
Selling Illegal Substance – first charge – probation and a fine.
He needs a lawyer. No question. It will be well worth the money. They are trying to use scare tactics on him. He won’t get the max sentence if hes a first time offender but he might have to do time. A lawyer will know whats best.