incense : make your own

a video of how i make my own incense blends some of the herbs that i use, an explanation of self ignighting and loose incense. sorry for the mess but i’ve been a lazy house keeper the last week so please over look it. lol. the incense i made in this video is a self igniteing blend that would be good for cleanseing and blessing an area before ritual is to be preformed.
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что за ебало?
@bfc2345 Do you think it’s safe to grind down?
nice nice
Ooops! It’s a black bottle! There’s a youtube video…Type in “where to buy potassium nitrate”…
You can also get it at farmer’s markets…or ebay. Just type in KNO3…
Good luck!
The Spectracide is in gradual form…it’s white…It looks just like saltpeter, but not as crushed… I just saw some at Lowe’s! It’s in a brown bottle.
@bfc2345 you are correct it is, is the stump killer in powder form or liquid? thats a handy bit of info to have.
Salt Peter is potassium nitrate. If I’m correct, Spectracide tree stump killer is 100% potassium nitrate; you can buy it for about $7 in the states at Lowe’s, Home Depot, etc.
@hellerZauberer nope not a wiccan just pagan
What are you, a wicca?
Hey UncleJoesHerbal com is having a sale….just saying.
what is it that you use to make the incense self igniting and where can you get it?
@tubegirlification not nescisarily. certain fireworks are banned here and we can still get it so…….. its really anyones guess.
but I just realized that fire worx is banned in this state so probably this stuff as well! oh well.
@tubegirlification in australia……….. i’m not sure. you could try ordering it off the internet but check with your local and state laws someplaces its illegal to own its also known as vesta powder, potasium nitrate, nitrate of potash among others so you may just find it under a different name.
where do you get the salt petre in australia?
are you making spice?
@chris444b444 there are several locations online as well as many herbs that can be found in your local enviornment. or you could really up the anty and grow the plants yourself.
were do u get the herbs at????
i don’t plan on it. thats the point i was trying to make that i have no intentions of makeing the black powder. lol well i gots to go ttyl
saltpeter will disolve in water but sulphur will not. you can disolve it in carbon disulphide but don’t know why you would want to.
thanks for the ideas on flashs, only i think i just prefre mine to stay lit….. lol like i said i think i way way over did it on the salt peter. lol. umm this is a yellow sulphur powder. now mabye if i combined them in solution and then evapourated off the water that would probably work. but i don’t have any plans on makeing it any times soon. lol
If you throw about 1/4 teaspoon of your self igniting inscense on a lit charcoal disc it will flash. You can also just throw 1/4 teaspoon of saltpeter on the live coal and you’ll get a flash.
2KNO3 + 2C —> 2KO+N2+CO2+heat
If you mix in sulphur, you have your basic black powder.
Good video!