In 2005, the DEA reportedly seized $1.4 billion in drug trade related assets and $477 million worth of drugs.?

According to the White House’s Office of Drug Control Policy, the total value of all of the drugs sold in the US is nearly $64 billion a year, making the DEA’s efforts less than 1% effective.
My question is: Shouldn’t tax payers see results for their hard earned money?
Instead, I’d like to see this money spent on our failure of an education system, or alleviating the blow of the huge deficit we’ve recently been struck with.
With that in mind, I vote to legalize and decriminalize all drugs. Not just marijuana…
But how could we regulate and tax controlled substances? Can anyone suggest effective measures? Thanks in advance!
I believe taxing and regulating might drive down the price so people wouldn’t have to be killing each other over the profits like during the Prohibition of alcohol.
The same way they do alcohol and tobacco Tax stamps As for weed growing permits would probably not be a bad idea. But if they really wanted to stop the trade its just a matter of buying up all that the growers have available. Then you could control the entire supply
It’s not government’s job in the first place.
Put controlled substances behind pharmacy counters, ID checks as for alcohol/tobacco, make use of “tax stamps”. I volunteer myself to test cannabis quality.
Amen to that! I suppose doing it like they do Alcohol and tobacco. I mean people can grow tobacco and make alcohol on their own, but how many people bother when you can grab it at the store. I don’t think permits are necessary for growing marijuana for personal use but should be necessary for selling and distributing. Have an age limit on it so parents won’t get upset. But if your going to get any drug legal it would be best to start with marijuana, lumping in all the other drugs that still have a really bad stigma probably wouldn’t be that effective. But marijuana seems to be the likely candidate to get the ball rolling. The only question I have is how do you get this all the way to congress.