In 2005, the DEA reportedly seized $1.4 billion in drug trade related assets and $477 million worth of drugs.?

In 2005, the DEA reportedly seized $1.4 billion in drug trade related assets and $477 million worth of drugs.?

According to the White House’s Office of Drug Control Policy, the total value of all of the drugs sold in the US is nearly $64 billion a year, making the DEA’s efforts less than 1% effective.

My question is: Shouldn’t tax payers see results for their hard earned money?

Instead, I’d like to see this money spent on our failure of an education system, or alleviating the blow of the huge deficit we’ve recently been struck with.

With that in mind, I vote to legalize and decriminalize all drugs. Not just marijuana…

But how could we regulate and tax controlled substances? Can anyone suggest effective measures? Thanks in advance!

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