Immigration was behind first laws to criminalize marijuana?

well it was an immigration issue. criminalizing marijuana made it easier to arrest minorities. during the depression, migrant workers from Mexico were in the way of southern white folk. So immigration still an issue for America, why are these old laws still on the books today?
Sad that this great idea for democracy can be so easily corrupted. George Washington used marijuana and had hemp farms, hemps is a great industrial product too, besides a medicine. Paper, fuel and clothing.
so if the original push to criminalize marijuana was really a racist law why aren’t people over-turning that?
thats not why marijuana was criminalized? Who told you that? Thats hilarious.
In fact, in 1937, Popular Science predicted that hemp would become a billion dollar industry. With the passing of the Marijuana Tax Act, the industry was suppressed, only to surface during World War II when America’s main supply of manila hemp was cut off after Japan occupied the Philippines.
Since then, marijuana has endured a smear campaign originally instigated by Hearst’s newspapers and imitated by other newspaper chains around the world. After hemp was banned in 1938, DuPont came out with nylon. It licensed out the paper making process to Hearst so that wood-pulp could be easily made into cheap paper. Meanwhile, the anti-pot propaganda demonized marijuana whilst the alcohol and tobacco companies enjoyed wide advertising in the newspapers and on TV,
especially in the post-war boom that followed the war.
While propaganda was calling cannabis the great corrupter of youth, alcohol consumption was leading to emotional and physical abuse in the home as well as death. Alcoholism became the number two cause of death, after lung cancer, which research eventually showed tobacco
consumption as the main culprit.
Wrong, the invention of nylon by Dupont is responsible for the criminalization of marijuana. Read: ‘The Emperor Wears No Clothes’ and watch ‘Reefer Madness’ to understand the propaganda. Again, it’s all about profits, not racism.
Homeland Security Report – Page 7:
According to the National Drug Intelligence Center, the cartels along the southern border is “the predominant smugglers, transporters, and wholesale distributors of cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamine, and heroin in the United States” and “are expanding their control over the distribution of these drugs in areas long controlled by Colombian and Dominican criminal groups, including areas of New York and Florida.”
In 2005 the government estimates the following crossed our Southern Border:
5.6 to 11.2 million pounds of cocaine.
34.3 to 68.6 million pound of marijuana.
Federal Drug Seizures on our Southern Border in Fiscal Year 2005:
1,129,275 pounds of cocaine.
6,866,465 pounds of marijuana
16,790 pounds of methamphetamine.
check it in yahooooooo !!!!!!!